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Posts posted by MiniMuppet

  1. Due to continuous connection issues with the YCN's NL server, we have made the decision to close our current etpub server and move this to Gameservers.com, based in their NL data center.
    This was due to be implemented over the next seven days but due to the YCN servers loosing connection again all day today, the decision and been made to move this with immediate effect, the new server ip is or by /connect etpub.teammuppet.com or /connect nd.teammuppet.com
    Sorry for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause but this will place or most popular server on a more solid platform.









  2. landmine has always been 3 to kill nothing changed.


    i also don't think it a good idea to have medic running around with there needle to kill people all they have to do is run into you and your dead. Im happy to changed the setting so you die quicker but not instance gib.

  3. So ... serious! :sofa:

    well people think it just 2min job to set server up. Mr and smirre have both been busy trying to give you  what you want and Miraro make the effort by making a poster to try get it more active some times people should just not say things............................. 

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