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Posts posted by MiniMuppet

  1. i remmember the 1st time i came to the forum to make a post, i was thinking wth is this, all i could see was the non registered part with all the dif. languages in a long list.

    so what would you like to see in none reg users, we can make more readable stuff but still would make it so they have to reg to post.

  2. Ok so we would like to make the website a little easier for people to find things. So we are asking for help from clan members, friends and registered users to make it a little better. 


    Please post your idea here so we can look at them thanks.


    1. Suggestion section - where would you like this? which part of forums just for members or for reg users also?

    2. new post thing? Latest discussions you mean left hand side? We do also have the news feed  which is tab at top of page or on right had side of forums?

  3. we have already been working on this for clan member smurfer has made a clan chat for member which now we are back we will be able to test on etpub. This will only work on etpub though.

  4. i will remind member tomorrow when im more awake. For short reply we have the auto balance to help manage the teams that doesn't mean it take the responsibly away from the members. We can reduce the time also so it happens faster but then this means member will move less, we can also make it just move members but think this is a little unfair but if member don't start to learn to do it then i will change it to this to learn them.

  5. Hi peter nice to meet you :) Great to hear you like playing on our etpub server we do seem to have a few people who like playing late at night and we are mixed clan with people aging from 14 to 50 so plenty of oldies around :D


    See you battle :)

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