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Everything posted by RosenCruz

  1. I m not a native English speaker but I feel there is pun intented with that nickname Anyways. Welcome to the server and enjoy the game. We have many oldies around. 58 is the new 35! Greetings to UK
  2. Hello and welcome many of us are relatively older, RTCW and ET players. TM server is really one of the best in the scene and I hope you keep playing with us. Welcome again and c ya in the games Owl
  3. RosenCruz

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year to all TM Family !!!
  4. Merry Christmas to good people of TM !
  5. Are you experiencing VPN usage error? You need to provide your in game username and may be @Flocan take a look into it.
  6. You can get better correspondence if you use English Your message is roughly translated to sth like this (via google translate) Not sure what the error might be as I check your console logs. That looks more like a file system check? May be some more experienced member with the technical side of the game could help you better. Did you try saving your ET key and doing a fresh installation?
  7. RosenCruz


    We probably have that age group too
  8. RosenCruz


    Hello and welcome. We have many like minded and late 30s early 40s fellas here from the good old days of ET. Enjoy!
  9. Sorry froggy. I missed this was under Beginners server section 😕
  10. I play late night but looks like not that late or early to see a FOPS bot
  11. Resisting the urge to write something Turkish here
  12. Since flamethrower is already disabled, when there is 14 players all soldier slots are usable. Not sure who would got the soldier with the Machinen Pistole 40 or Thompson but anyways. Yesterday I had some time in the server with the new rules. Not sure if allies were good yesterday or because of new rules but on maps like Erdenberg and Braundorf, they could penetrate easier into the objectives. Also on maps like adlernest, axis still could stand a solid ground, at least at the final ramp. Need more days to test the new rules to see their effect on game play.
  13. Great job raising adorable boys. Respect and greetings to your family !
  14. May be TM ETL server can enforce this changes on some maps? For example erdenberg, adlernest, special delivery and similar maps. On these maps allies have to rush through tight corridors, narrow doors and not much space to escape heavy weapons and rifle grenades. Same goes for axis on Caen2. On larger maps such as Capuzzo, Oasis, Radar I believe limitations are not necessary. I am not sure if it is technically possible to work these limitation scripts on specific maps. Just my 2 cents. Wishing everyone a great week and ET Experience.
  15. Welcome Valk. Congratz with the baby boy. 👼
  16. Hello and welcome !
  17. Hello and welcome !
  18. Emotional damage
  19. I like it. More than 4-5 kills are usually airstrike or panzerfaust or rarely mortar stuff. Not sure if we really need to look for other options after 8 kill. Those events will be extremely rare.
  20. What a silly man I am. Thought he was giving the admins an "attitude"
  21. I was in the game and saw the fella trying to join with the alias AdolfHitler. I also witnessed T*rki trying to trace him for future logins. Hope this helps for proof. Terrible nickname to choose from. The alias "changename" also looks like a tantrum of a 13 years old and mocks the authority. May he/she play elsewhere.
  22. Not sure who she is but may she rest in peace. Wishing the best for her family and friends.
  23. RosenCruz

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year all TM members and regulars !
  24. Is this implemented? Would be great
  25. Changing to 32 bit client, even different CPU and GPU did not work. Decay, Venice and other open sky maps were also freezing for me. I switched to "low quality sky" from system settings I guess and problem solved for now. May be this may help others with similar issues.
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