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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Had fun with Infected!! Love it Wish I could have got rid of my issues for the Sat one
  2. Looka Jess telling someone to shut up
  3. Really enjoyed the event!! Thanks Ben and Eagle
  4. Naughty boys and girls Player name: hyjo Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: Lexi@shitmouse Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: - Player name: *WubWubWolf' Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP:
  5. I tried doing that to my Xbox 360 back in the day. Never again lol.
  6. Nothing I try is fixing the problems. I've tried repairing disk drives, defragging, rolling back drivers, using windows update, cleaning things out with ccleaner and so on. I can't be bothered with the hassle of resetting to factory to see if it fixes it. I've installed some old games and it sucks on everything. ET / Tomb Raider / Mass Effect / Fallout / Borderlands etc etc. But for some reason I can play Hearts of Iron 3 just fine With my expert opinion I've come to the conclusion my graphics card is on its' last legs. My laptop froze up the other day and the screen went fuzzy like an old tv, couldn't do a thing. I found my fan or air intake or whatever for my laptop was full of dust and crap, so I guess I burnt something out inside. Lesson learnt kids, after you have a laptop for nearly 4 or 5 years clean out the fan at least once! Once I get my winter holiday out the way I guess I'll ask Santa for a new laptop. Now I'll be hogging the panza all the time
  7. I did that the other day I had 900 odd of them :/
  8. I went to chat with Eagle and he pointed me to places. Apparently my laptop is/was running 55 degrees or something. I have a cooling pad but haven't had the need to use it yet. I tried to do a windows update while I went to work, and over 9 hours later it was still looking for updates :| Did a defrag and some witchcraft with my hdd that Eagle told me to do. Will see how my ET performs tonight
  9. Who doesn't every now and then? Right? Anyway I think my laptop is having a problem as everything I play seems to be struggling to run smoothly. Everything gets fps drops - even my ET frame rate drops to the teens for minutes at a time. Just using the browser I can notice the slow down, especially typing like this. This laptop is pushing 4-5 years old now and it's wasn't exactly top of the line when it was new. My hard drive is as full as it's ever been with only 73GB left available, would that be a problem? I've ran scans for any crap and deleted temp files and cookies etc fairly recently. I don't have any unusual processes running in the background and it doesn't feel like it's running hot. Something else I can look at?
  10. He means the Deathmatch competition MrMuppet hosted. Ali mopped the floor with Venom
  11. Was on the server with Eagle and we saw Jesus connect. Glad we saw he had a German flag
  12. Charlie won't be there due to work
  13. Football season starts tonight. Toon toon black and white army!

  14. "Venom is now following you" That popup is the things nightmares are made of D:

    1. VenoM


      hahaha! :D I thought you would like that :<

  15. Wish I could play Pokemon GO. Dam Windows phone :veryangry:

  16. Ty I had fun I found out Pes really does hax. I mean he had homing knives and had a gun when the setting was knife only!!
  17. I can turn my Star hax on and be doubly as awesome?
  18. UB40 on near me at the end of July ... and it's FREE! Awesome :clapping2:

    1. Macka
    2. Stumpel


      UB40 And some red wine. . :)

  19. Charlie


    I deleted my cvar backups, all 422 of them, and played a little. It seems to be fixed. I don't recall them added files making my fps tumble so much in the past :/ Shouldda deleted them before I posted, sorry.
  20. Charlie


    1) I have updates turned off. Come to think of it I should check for some lol. 2) I ... don't have an antivirus. Well I suppose I do but none that stay active in the background or have scheduled updates/scans. 3) Will do that now and see, I forgot this. 4) It's running as admin. 5) Idk what local mode is. Like safe mode but ... locally? o.o 6) Let me hide my porn first.
  21. Charlie


    It's been a while since my ET broke, but I'm back! I'm having fps issues. I play with my usual 40-50 fps then every minute or so it'll nosedive and depending on the map it'll go to single digits. Really frustrating lol. Can anyway suggest any solutions? I have tried r_primitives. I want to stress I haven't touched any ET file for a long time, and my task manager shows no unusual processes running. I've restarted ET and took a short demo, idk if it'll show anything.
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