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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. 120k on pacman towelie? Where was it 6 hours ago?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MiniMuppet


      would have been a winning score :D

    3. Jesus


      wasn't it boring though reaching 120k? :O

    4. Towelie


      Nope i was mostly surprised they kept going the right directions so i didnt get cornered and I got extra lives right on time

  2. waca waca waca waca waca waca

  3. Nour was caught by the nitmod anti-cheat a few months ago that we have on the baserace server. For those familiar, the anti cheat provides screenshots similar to what punkbuster did. The screenshots provide 100% proof of cheating where a demo for the most part doesn't, hence we have several people who review demo's.
  4. Charlie

    Xmas Event.

    Delete your Nitmod folder and connect to our Beginners server and let it download files. The connect to the Xmas server. That's all I can offer guys All I can say now is I apologise for what's happening. We found issues with the server and it was too late to fix and there's only so much I can personally advise and do.
  5. Charlie

    Xmas Event.

    If you have trouble connecting to the server, launch in Nitmod from the mod menu and try connect again.
  6. Charlie

    Xmas Event.

    The server is open now, and will be open for a little while after the event. There's nothing stopping you guys from organising get-together's on that server and ts on a different date too I'd be game for more, it's the 2nd best event imo.
  7. It's you guys that decide what maps get added or taken away for the most part, from suggestions here to how many votes maps get on the server. I asked pretty much the same thing when it got decided we'd try this hehe. I don't like goldrush personally *Waits for Niki* The way we've set the 2 goldrush maps up makes it so you won't play more goldrush than we usually do, it's still gunna be every 8+ maps. The server changes which version is available to vote for is all, letting people enjoy both versions as they were in demand to be added/kept but without the server being saturated with goldrush all day.
  8. There's a poll and a topic letting everyone vote for up to 3 maps to be added to the server from the map test event. We'll add whatever gets the most votes there when the voting closes, and remove 3 rarely played maps in return (I think). We have 2 versions of goldrush because the original and sw are equally popular. It's been set so a goldrush will only be available to vote for after about 8-10 maps. It alternates what version is put in to the voting pool, so for example it'll be:- Goldrush ... 8 maps ... Goldrush sw ... 8 maps ... goldrush etc.
  9. First solo paint and decorating job tomorrow. Shitting bricks hehe.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grobar


      like towelie said u can do it and u will

    3. Macka


      How did it go then? :P

    4. Charlie


      Success! Ish. Spent more time enjoying the beer I got as part of the payment. Expecting to get a messege stuff is falling off the walls and on fire.

  10. I see what you did there
  11. I'm ashamed to say I struggled to get on to the ladders, and lost all my lives on the third level cos I kept missing the moving platform hehe.
  12. Charlie

    Xmas server

    That made me leave the event early last year - funny at first but after 2 hours, god no. Wanted to stick a candy cane where the sun doesn't shine for some people. *looks at Elph* It's a shame cos I like using them and hearing them in moderation, but I guess I need to find out how to mute the vsays before the event.
  13. Toon toon black and white army. Buzzing :P

  14. Hello Nour. You are currently banned from TM servers due to wall hacking, hence why it won't let you connect.
  15. I think I've been to Varna before, is it a couple of miles around the bay from Sunny Beach? Also ... 10 cats?
  16. Charlie

    A new admin?!

    Bad Macka, baaaaaaad!!!
  17. I got a pop up today telling me a plugin the site uses will soon become unsupported and it gimme a link to this page -> https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6213033 Something on site we should change? It's all pretty much Greek to me lol.
  18. Charlie


    In order to see the gallery you need to be a higher level on the forum. We limit how many PM's a regular forum member can send to others in case a bot registers. We don't want it to spam people with 50 thousand things linking to bad places. At least that's why I think it's there. To upload a picture it should look like the image I put below, I don't think it's a forum level issue. Click the "Choose File" then "Attach this File".
  19. People fall in love in mysterious ways

  20. Spent 2 days off work all sick and horrible. Gunna have to claw my way in tomorrow. God help me >.<

    1. GreatDanton


      that's what you got for running around in panties :D

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