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Honourable Admin
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Status Updates posted by Charlie

  1. Forums feel ... bigger today ... o.o

  2. After looking after 18 month old triplet girls ... I deserve these beers!! >.<

    1. Slarty
    2. Temptin


      i am sure he wouldn't either. It be like girlfriend who, but then again ... :X

  3. Is this where I say gratz Smirre on being promoted to brown admin?

    1. serayha


      no, this is where you ask why he was promoted, not you :)

    2. Slarty


      Maybe he wasn't green anymore, and you was just blue about it? Stop looking so black at things :P

  4. I know this is the place to come if I'm drunk to say bull shit ... Is this the place to come if I'm off my face to say bull shit?

    1. Towelie


      As long as it's bullshit, you'll be fine

    2. StaR


      maybe , you need to pay me 5$ first

  5. Gotta love finishing work at dinner time :) Time to nerd-up in ET!

    1. StaR
    2. Towelie


      30 mins to go for me then its dinner and ET :- )

  6. Newcastle 0 - 1 Sunderland. Bastards. Christmas ruined.

    1. StaR


      I was watching it

    2. Slarty


      L'pool - ARSEnal 2-2 wasn't much better...

  7. Possibly not the smartest thing I've done ... I have a week or so of boring classes coming up I'm being forced on for work. Tonight I went to get a takeout from the last place I was crippled with food poisoning. Sit on the throne for a few days or sit in a class for a week?

    1. StaR


      sit on throne. Way better than class

    2. Slarty


      Get a portable potty and go to class :D

  8. As a side job I'm getting £150 a day with all materials included for decorating someone's house. I think I'm in the wrong profession o.o

    1. Alistar


      if u are not satisfied I can come to help u every weekend :S

    2. random


      Maybe you can now buy a new used PC which will get you 125 fps?


  9. We need a karaoke night

    1. StaR


      ya ok. Like anyone besides me is gnna sing <_<

    2. Macka


      Only if Canni leads with a song

  10. Solar eclipse!

    1. MOoN


      I ATE THE SUN ! and puked it out. will do the same in 2080 I think 8)

    2. StaR


      lel I was just watching B)

  11. Mayweather vs Pacquiao tonight!

    1. Macka


      Don't think I will watch it. I know who 'won,' so that's enough for me

    2. Charlie


      I stayed up til nearly 5am for it to start, such disappointment :( I could run and duck my way for a few rounds the way mayweather did.

  12. ♪ I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand? ♪

  13. Now the bust holidays are over we've collected the answers and are discussing the survey results. We haven't forgotten!! We'll post updates to you in due course <3

  14. UB40 on near me at the end of July ... and it's FREE! Awesome :clapping2:

    1. Macka
    2. Stumpel


      UB40 And some red wine. . :)

  15. Oh half days at work. How I missed you <3

    1. Towelie


      Sounds good. My 2 weeks of vacation are done now and have to work again next week. Luckily winter times are the least busiest times where I work (company sells roofing and building supplies, freezing temperatures means no one can do roofing work so it's less busy in sales)

    2. Stumpel


      How was the workin? Here was that day very cold.. And yesterday was like -29 some time of day.. But now better not so cold anymore.. :) I bet in UK much better than in Finland

  16. After a hard days work, "let's go to the pub!". Awesome. But no, my friend just got her first car so we drove back to hers instead. I somehow got roped in to doing 2 hours of gardening to uncover a driveway that nature had reclaimed. I don't understand life.

    1. Slarty


      Friendzone level 99 hehe

    2. Towelie


      What Slarty said. I mean, really?

      I don't have the details to make a balanced judgement, but from the portrayed context it seems like a female friend used you for performing a chore. Did she send you away right after you were done?

  17. I got homework from work. How the fuck does that happen? I never did it in school so what chance is there I'll do it now? AND with England playing tonight. I used to like my supervisor.

    1. PurpleHaze


      you could look at it differently. England is playing so you have time for homework :yes:

    2. Alistar


      Charlie mate we all know you are the wisest of us which means no worries

  18. Updating Member list / inactive list / TrackBase / Splatterladder ........ *dies*

  19. I forget how tiring ass kissing is xD

    1. Slarty


      Just remember that the ass you kiss today, can be connected to the feets you can step on tomorrow :D

  20. Forums up and running, back to recruiting jobs!

    1. Slarty


      Already? Damn, was hoping for a christmas break :P

  21. Is Jaymod down yet again? :/

  22. Watching the US Open makes me realise how shit I am at golf

    1. Slarty


      I'm dam good at it...on Masters at least hehe. The only tournament I won on that game, was one of the Open ones. Other then that, I got a 8th position as best :D

  23. Nothing like finishing work for the day at dinner time :D

    1. Slarty


      I have days when the only worthwhile thing I do, is get up from bed. And still they pay me :D

  24. Success is not something you run after, but something you attract by the person you become

    1. Slarty


      I don't know, does not marathon runners run for success? :P

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