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Frezzh last won the day on August 19 2019

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About Frezzh

  • Birthday 04/28/1994

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    Football, Hip Hop/Rap Hardstyle/Hardcore, Going out :D(festivals)
    and ofcourse ET

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  1. Jesus has risen again! If you can't solve the problem just buy a pc!
  2. Hey Weeman, welcome to the forums
  3. It's true it is only for a short period of time, but it would be nice if people would stick longer so the server has a population of 20/30+ for the whole evening(day). But you are right it might be better to wait untill the summer ends.
  4. isn't there an script for map voting for it? Like if there are 30+ players on the server the map voting cycle adapts to it so you can only vote for the bigger maps.
  5. Thank you indeed, nice work. must be fun to hear eagle panicking ;p
  6. It's not the spectators that seem to cause the problem xen and i are experiencing. The real problem imo are too many players on 1 crowded map this problem also starts it's other flaws of the game/server (too many nades,heavy weapons, atillery, airstrikes and teamdamage.) Xen solution might actually solve the problem but it's probably something legacy or the server isn't capable of doing? And ofcourse there is also the question do u really want to change stuff to the server because the server does get alot of players, but with this problem i do notice people leave the server because of it. If there would be like games like 10vs10 it would be managable for all players everybody got his liking imo. But when there are too many players it kinda ruins the game for everybody. But i must say it really pleases me to see the server still gets this much attention.
  7. Frezzh


    without the [T] u will probably be fine, for now i would stick with <=TM=>[T]Xen or something like that and u shouldn't change it one u stick with ur trial name because recruiters will track your activity based on your Trial name.
  8. ah yeah ofcourse but who is the one making chances to these maps? Seems like alot of work. Erdenberg became a good map indeed he did do a good job on that one. oops i underread that part.
  9. Ahh oke thats the reason why it's not added to the list, already thought it was weird cause imo it's one the better ET maps. 1 thing is annoying people usually won't want to play maps they don't know, so most of the time new added will be skipped for eternity. (isn't there a solution for this?) or does it already excist?
  10. Wow how does somebody from 13 years still like a game that is as old as ET. Amazing Can't agree more eagle ;p Enjoy your holiday!
  11. My suggestions: https://et.trackbase.net/map/8422 Blackwood Beta 2 Played 1,517 times. https://et.trackbase.net/map/48/ Streets of Italy FP 2 Played 889,762 times. https://et.trackbase.net/map/41/ V2 Base TE Final Played 266,325 times.
  12. Welcome
  13. New video card, Nvidia Gtx 970 msi so happy :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GreatDanton


      Playing snake on over 9000 fps.

    3. Alistar


      Inpossible dänton

    4. Frezzh


      yaa definitlety ET on 125 fps :D

  14. Welcome
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