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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Teamkilles also registered, so : less team kills
  2. Eagle Banned a player TODAY for 1 day, so yes, banned is also used for 1 day. And I banned a player last week for 1 day, was perhaps not the best call, I agree Eagle. So, we have to be very carefull with BAN command, but Eagle is ALWAYS available on Discord
  3. Yes, it is called !BAN Bus serious, a kick with a tiem realy sounds like a ban to me.
  4. hello Cookie, Welcome to our forums.
  5. @chaussette, I will connect sometimes, and see if people break rules. yesterday I specced 30 min, and all seems fine. No worries, I will keep connecting sometimes.
  6. I didnt know also, but i am going to try tonight, see what works, and what not
  7. To make to story compleet : We both had heavy indeed, but I had Bazooka, CTRZ had Panzafaust. After I died once or twice, My bazooka was gone, and CTRZ had panza. So this explains the topic Svepa mentioned before.
  8. Welcome Matti, to our forums, and also to our Discord
  9. Hello sahrenity, Welcome to our forums
  10. Hello Ozy.... Welcome to our forums
  11. @Charlie, do you still / already know how to add maps ?
  12. Thanks Boosted for the server, and thanks to all for joining this event. It was fun.
  13. True, stuid summer / winter time So, do we want the time : 7PM CET is 18:00 in UK, 19:00 in NL/BE/GER/FR/PL and 20:00 in FIN. ?
  14. set event3 "set event vstr event4; say !!! . . . . 19:00 CET ( UK ) . . . . !!!" set event5 "set event vstr event6; say !!! . 20:00 ( NL, BE, GER, FR, PL ). !!!" set event6 "set event vstr event7; say !!! . . . . 21:00 Ande ( Fin ) . . . !!!"
  15. Hi ( airstike ) Eiswolf, Welcome to our forums
  16. Hi BobFab, seen you a lot on ETLegacy server, welcome to our forums.
  17. Hi Elmo, Nice to see you joined our forums.
  18. Good, Most Spawn kills are made by mortar. But OK, I understand it has to be fixed.
  19. Isnt this normal ? I alwys have this. I have to use ALT + C to toggle between type in console, and press ALT + C again to be able to use keyboard in game So, when I want so give 20 people a level, I press 40 times ALT + C I Use Windows 7 on a US 101 keyboard
  20. Hi Warrenz, Welcome to our forums.
  21. Hello Zurro, Welcome to our forums.
  22. Hi Sebastian, seen you before many time on our ETL server, now also welcome to our forums.
  23. Hi buzzSaw, welcome to our forums.
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