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Everything posted by Temptin

  1. My name is Amanda, I am from Nashville, Tennessee, i am to old at 36, and I work as a Revenue Integrity Analyst for 23 hospitals. I recently got married, and in my personal time i play entirely to much PUBG. I miss seeing and talking to everyone!!
  2. Someone would have to help me remember how to install this, last time i had Charlie do it for me !!!
  3. Temptin

    Event: Christmas!

    Miss You too charlie!!! Jaymod was awesome !
  4. I got engaged this week!!!! <3 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VeryDead
    3. Darek


      That was an original proposal :P 

    4. Stumpel


      gratz Temptin :D nice To hear..

  5. Tornado ripped through my town today! So happy my children and I are safe! 


    1. Micha!


      Oh dear, stay safe and healthy!

  6. Just wanted to say hello!!! <3 <3

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Temptin


      I was just playing Borderlands the other day!! :P and People hang out on TS still??? :O

    3. Temptin


      I was just playing Borderlands the other day!! :P and People hang out on TS still??? :O

    4. Wolf


      Me and Feath generally on there quite a lot ^^

  7. So had a stroke while driving today :( ... Go me \o/

    1. Macka


      Tare care <3

    2. Smirre


      Take it easy now...

    3. HawK


      Heart / Brain? This sucks big time, girl... What did the docs say?

  8. he best things in life either make you fat, drunk or pregnant!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TommyBiondillo


      Isn't that also what the three musketeers were named?

    3. Gaunt


      Drunkos, Pregnos and Fattamis. And Addictagnan, doing crack and shit.

    4. Slarty


      Don't you loose weight while getting pregnant? :P

  9. \o/ How is everyone?.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Temptin


      Im getting a RL divorce maybe i will be back after :P

    3. Alistar


      Me and macka promise to sing you a song if u return!

    4. Macka


      Hey...wait....when did I agree to this?! I'll hum it you sing it :D

  10. Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it...

    1. Stumpel


      Dont leave Temptin. Stay with TeamMuppet :)

  11. Temptin

    It's time

    Completely understand the need and desire to pass on the servers. It is a lot of time consuming hard work that has not gone unnoticed. Thank You so much for the fun and memories your server and community has brought me. Enjoy the extra time you will have and don't be strangers <3
  12. Welcome and really nice to meet you!!!!
  13. Welcome, and nice to meet you!
  14. Happy New Year!!!
  15. I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate.

  16. wish i could be there, but i will be out of town
  17. Temptin

    Broken something?

    Charlie is good at breaking stuff IJS
  18. Welcome !!!
  19. Welcome Again, and its wonderful to know more about you look forward to running into you around the game and forums!
  20. Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!! Miss You ALL!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HawK


      lol... Can't chase nature away, it comes running back!

    3. Macka


      Should I be reading more into that ? :D

    4. HawK


      Not that much ;)

  21. Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Happy Holiday's!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MOoN


      Thank you very much !!! You too ! <3

    3. StaR


      you too temptin :D :D

    4. Wolf


      You too Amanda :D <3

  22. I'm wondering... what was the person who discovered milk, really doing to that cow in the first place?

    1. s05aa


      learned it from doing it to the women. Tasted better -> kept on going

    2. Dexter
    3. Slarty


      I have no idea, but I bet it would be a better lover story then twilight...

  23. Touch it gently, put 2 fingers inside, if it’s wide use 3 fingers, make sure it’s wet and rub up and down. Yep that’s how you wash a cup.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolf
    3. Slarty


      What? I use some electric thing to do that... no wonder my cups are always dirty then, i guess :P

    4. MOoN
  24. i am not a member, but yeah i agree this is a open forum and should be discussed with admin and members in a member section, if this was a joke post then the responses seem a little serious for that... if it isn't a joke i agree with Lynx move it to member only discussion. just my 2 cents worth <3
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