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Nitmod Admin
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Everything posted by StaR

  1. I glanced over the topic you linked @MrMuppet and it seems that she was loved by the community. It's always sad to hear about someone passing away May she rest in peace knowing that many people love her and cherish her memory.
  2. I'll be there if I'm home this weekend
  3. StaR

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year everyone
  4. You guys deserve it Keeping a community alive for 20 years is no easy task. Cheers to everyone 🍻
  5. StaR

    TeamMuppet 2021 - 2022

    Cheers team! Here's to more years of happiness and success !!!
  6. That's not nice, I got a PM in game by someone who said this would be a fun idea! I usually play for a couple of maps in the morning time (EST) so if you're online you can catch me.
  7. I got a suggestion by one of the regulars to make the dynas look like presents too. Don't know if that's possible tho
  8. Welcome :]
  9. Woooohooo congrats!!!
  10. Really cool intro! Welcome to the forums :]
  11. I know this doesn't contribute to the conversation but Star and Starscream aren't the same person 😛
  12. I would also count it as not a hack because I'm able to kill him in a 1v1 and when that happens, you know the person isn't hacking lol
  13. Solid Intro, 10/10
  14. Forgot to lock this too.
  15. Yea, my bad for not locking this topic.
  16. Thank you lol.
  17. You guys are going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic lol. All Oli is asking is that muppet friend lvl or ex member lvl have the putteam command.
  18. Heya, nice intro! Glad you found yourself back to playing ET! If the legacy servers are full, why not give our nitmod server a try? It's tons of fun and great if you want to just lay back and have a chill time. Maybe we'll even see an application?
  19. Welcome to the forums
  20. Can't be faster than nitmod 😛
  21. I haven't been on the server in a couple of days because of my midterms so I don't know what you're talking about. The taking a slot part I find funny because most of the time there are 4-5 actual players on a team and if a player doesn't play, a bot takes its place. More or less of the time the bot stands in his place and is utterly useless. So I don't think that guy talking and chatting will cause an "imbalance" in the game. Also, are these people not part of your "clan" ?? You must have a discord or something to talk to each other. I still don't get the logic behind putting on the same tags and not knowing who your fellow "members" are. It's like running a store and saying "whoever wears a red shirt works here" no name tag no nothing, just wear a red shirt. Makes no sense.
  22. Looks like I'll be seeing you in the beginners server. 😛
  23. The beginners server is there for players that are "New" to the game and also for players that want some goofy and fast paced gun play. If you were called a cheater there it must mean you are a very good player because the player rating on the beginners server is a solid 4/10. I know this because I belong to that 4/10 😛 That being said, legacy is a different animal and like matu said before me, kill em b4 they start crouching 😛
  24. StaR


    Are you referring to "Business to business"? I don't have a template you can use but I feel like the company you work for needs to have one. (or maybe it doesn't and the whole point of this post is for you to make it for the first time). In any case, I don't know how to write a b2b contract 😛
  25. You are now Monkey #2
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