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Nitmod Admin
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Everything posted by StaR

  2. I'm naruto and I do things
  3. StaR

    Member map

    My eyes
  4. StaR

    Member map

    I think we all know how this will end
  5. THANKS for the invite .... >_>
  6. StaR

    Admin Level

    He clearly says it's almost 7pm for him. Read thoroughly please.
  7. StaR

    Easter Wishes

    Happy Easter
  8. StaR

    The end of an era

    Am I the only one that has never heard of this clan? I'm sad that they are gone, I guess?
  9. wait wait, the son of pimp spy?
  10. It's a question of preference so please just shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhutfu
  11. StaR

    Hello :)

    Welcome back. So you must be the sensei that thought mr and mini how to play the game. Interesting...
  12. StaR


    Yes, please kill all of them so I can go and repair the tank without getting blown up by everyone. ;_;
  13. I have it on the PS4
  14. StaR


    Great, even bigger way to show how bad I am in this game
  15. These self intros are becoming very automated In any case, welcome to the forums
  16. Welcome to the site!
  17. You weren't even there
  18. I'll try to make it, Ill be running a bit late
  19. Welcome to the forums
  20. welcome to the forums
  21. StaR

    Merry Christmas

    Happy Holidays!
  22. StaR

    Event: Christmas!

    Cortex or bust
  23. Thanksss!
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