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Nitmod Admin
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Everything posted by StaR

  1. until

    I like the fun facts section
  2. This webesite is trippy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StaR


      Is this the new facebook???????????????????

    3. MiniMuppet


      i think it meant to be like facebook

    4. StaR


      omg hi miniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  3. Welcome to the forums
  4. StaR

    Time to vote

    We haven't printed those in years!
  5. StaR

    Time to vote

  6. StaR

    Time to vote

    Like I don't read enough at Uni, lol
  7. Tempted.
  8. Happy New year
  9. Yes
  10. Can I just pay you 5$ for the mug?
  11. That allies Engi looks like Justin Timberlake.
  12. StaR

    Halloween event!

    It's a Saturday, more chances of me being there
  13. Yeaaaa F*** youu too!!
  14. StaR

    Shocking News

    You had nothing better to do with your time....?
  15. StaR

    New leader

    much changes, such wow. Good luck to freaky deaky come back when you can lord beard.
  16. StaR

    TM-Menu 3.0

    I have no idea whats going on
  17. Star wants to play ET, but star is stuck at work. Star hates work, but work is only income star has. Star sad.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Flavour


      Star needs to quit his job so star can come back and play ET. So star is happy <3

    3. Jaden
    4. StaR
  18. Welcome to the forums, where dream do come true
  19. Thank you Mr!
  20. toast with cheese is awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. StaR


      they might be

    3. klants


      Ham & cheese bro, ham & cheese.

    4. StaR


      I can't afford ham

  21. Duro why u go to Alberta and not Quebec :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Macka


      I'm coming Montreal!

    3. StaR


      yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mackaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    4. Jaden


      je ne parle pas francais....sry im drunk :D

  22. StaR

    And the winner is....

    muppet as in the show? or muppet as in us?
  23. StaR

    And the winner is....

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