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Everything posted by Eagle_cz

  1. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  2. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  3. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay.
  4. Thanks to all who joined! ...and remember, this sunday we have afterparty! See ya there!
  5. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  6. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  7. Finally! Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  8. that is our PapaGoat that i remember lol
  9. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  10. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  11. btw. alsodelete all of your cvar_backups first
  12. need to know few details (like OS version, RAM and etc) but in general: - try to think about when u noticed this issue if HDD led flashing - run chkdsk/scandisk for generic errors on HDD - is seems like probem with OS and it's not game related, but u can try to use this: https://technet.microsoft.com/cs-cz/sysinternals/processexplorer and take look on process that have highest CPU usage or so ... Feel free to catch me on chat/game and we can take a look on it together ...
  13. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  14. thanks for reporting this problem. Someone will take a look on it ASAP...
  15. Well, it was great event for me. Thanks to all who was around! Hope, that the after party will be almost or so close to be a same see you soon lads
  16. Welcome to the forum and ejoy your stay here
  17. Finally! Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  18. Welcome back ETP .. still i didn't get why u didnt use old account .. but ok .. welcome back
  19. Done, table button (& table properties) working as before ... thx Mini
  20. Eagle_cz


    np, you're welcome .... fell free to let us know if the problem persist ...
  21. no, i dont have backup.... and yes, its a possibility .. but i dont want to do it without Mini's permission ...
  22. Thanks for info. Right now i had notice this issues: * can't edit table anymore .. button for tables disappeared .. same with functions after CTRL key ... * http://teammuppet.eu/home/ getting permission error
  23. Eagle_cz


    Hi man, first of all, I like to see questions like yours - with full report in attachment Well done! Nlw, back to your problem. It looks like you have ATI Radeon card. On many threads here, you can read simple advice: For new ATI video cards, try /seta r_primitives 2 on console/your config! So, try it first and let us know if this helped to you or your problem persists. Cheers
  24. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  25. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
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