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Everything posted by Eagle_cz

  1. Eagle_cz


    1. Verify your windows for svchost.exe if your OS is not installing any updates. You can try to turn it off manualy 2. Check your antivirus. It can be some deep scan and etc. 3. Delete all your cvar_backup files under your ET folder 4. Be sure that your ET is running under owner's account permission. 5. Test it in local mode (it can be connected with network issue) 6. Catch me on the chat, I can check your system via teamviewer if there is everything ok...
  2. Eagle_cz

    Server move

  3. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  4. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  5. Finally! Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here!
  6. hehe .. welcome back mate That 's the reason why we want to see the clan members within 10 days at the least ahahahaha
  7. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  8. you have to click on the time on the end of the mentioned topic ... this will redirect you to the last post .. when you click on the name of the topic, it will start from beginning ... you know mate .. this behaviour is matter of 'feature' not the bug
  9. yeah ... it's always easy to tell how the things can be done .. but mostly isnt easy to find one who want to do it
  10. For all who were curious about "The Crew Page" - it was rewritten and it seems it works correctly now. You can check it now: http://teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/crew-page/ ...or press Pages > The Crew Page Big Thanks to Ben (a.k.a. Miraro3). Awesome cooperation mate !
  11. welcome to the forum (on the server aswell) and enjoy your stay!
  12. Hmmm, its JavaScript... will look on it tomorrow... Thx. for info
  13. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  14. Eagle_cz

    Infected Event

    Please, take my apology that i wasn't able to be on the event. I was on the funeral today and after that i wasnt able to leave my family due this... Hope that you understand.
  15. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  16. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  17. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  18. IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is only 'dirty solution' and it cannot be used as the correct way to solve the root of this problem. It's working 'somehow' and it is NOT the clean and systematic solution. It is provided "AS IS" without any type of guarantee But, feel free to send me the PM if you will need to discuss something The background: I've received lot of game logs from our members and/or regulars that are connected with the issue - unexpected crash of the game mostly few seconds before map end or directly after new map has begun. I and few of my friends spent lot of sleepless nights with main intention - to find the reason and to find the solution... Finally, we have 'something' and we can share with you our experience and hopefully it will help to you to solve this issue. To be correct, it's not real solution, but it's like magic wand and it works somehow:) as many of you have seen, directly after game crash you can recognize new file under your etpub folder (mostly C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpub) with the name "etpubc_crash.log". When you will open this file, you can see a few lines... - decently - Graeca sunt, nōn leguntur! Ok, important part is this: Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005) ...this is matter of an exception ...wall of text... I think that this is not important for you, but if someone want to trace it, it's connected with function "re.RenderScene" The solution: (or better, few steps that has been confirmed by a few of the players and it works on my side and also on side of my friends) let's begin - short fairytale 1. always make sure, that you have enough of memory to run your ET (it means that you hunkmegs, zonemegs and etc are not above your current free memory value). 2. delete all of "cvar_backup<number>.cfg" in your etpub folder, if you have it! This files are really unnecessary but it can be forced by the server to create them during the game. 3. make sure, that you have up-to-date graphic card driver (this issue is mostly connected with some ATI graphics cards) 4. open your config files and replace all of 'seta' variables by 'set'! (it means all of your config files! It means, under your etmain\profiles\<yournickname>etconfig.cfg and same under etpub folder!) Example: replace: seta rate "45000" by this: set rate "45000" and etc with all of this 'seta' - it means, that all 'seta' must be replaced by 'set' ... 5. make your config files read only! (in win = right muse button and check "read only". it's because ET will try to rewrite this config files. But, this is not important until you will need to change something from the game 6. run your ET as "Owner" (= with administrator's permission) Really, we (I and my friends) still don't know (or better, we don't have exact proof), why this 'seta'/'set' are the key of solution, but tbh, for us was important, that this solution really working and hopefully it will work for you also I will be really glad if you will write us your own experience with this. Your comment will be used for improvement of this 'howto'. Thank you for your participation
  19. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  20. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  21. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  22. is it mysql or mariadb ? if it's on linux, we can take look on my.cnf and etc, if there is something what we can do for it ...
  23. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
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