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Everything posted by Eagle_cz

  1. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  2. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay! Nice intro ... hope that we will see you app soon
  3. Eagle_cz

    Easter Event

    It was nice event! Thanks to all who made it!
  4. great event! thanks to all who made it!
  5. Yeah, its awesome and we are really honoured by this! ....btw, it's not connected with the cat on right side I am bird and personally i dont like cats
  6. great turn! I really like this new feeling/skin of the forum. Really great work and BIG thank you for this! ...sadly as Mini wrote above, i have noticed few problems - and hope not so serious ... * problem with UTF encoding (for example shortscuts and other chars ... examples u can find under join us sections ... Cesky and etc) * tables (forum cannot handle [table] tags and etc and formating is gone) * hyperlinks or href looks weird = when you want to copy&paste some href, its without <a> tag = we are not able to click on it * few of forum permissions are gone (hope its temporary situation) * forum is really slow (Mini told me that this is somehow connected with the update - hope its only temporary issue) * member's list is completely gone (lvl 11 and above will know what about i writing now sorry ) * crew page or meet the muppets is quite empty think its connected with Mylan's work - just an reminder * attachements included on the topics are gone (= maybe its matter of the time when the cache will rebuild itself somehow * calendar is useless now (= it's without nicknames on the list) ...from my point of view, this is something like beta-testing and problems above are not so important. Dont take me wrong, just trying to report what i had noticed ... and again, thank you for the fresh update! well done! (btw. if is there something what i can do, or if I can help somehow, feel free to let me know! )
  7. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  8. Eagle_cz

    Please help =)

    problem was solved.
  9. Eagle_cz

    Please help =)

    Hi, ok, let's try to change your settings (for testing purposes) in the config file and increase this values: /set com_hunkmegs "768" /set com_soundmegs "256" /set com_zonemegs "96" ...and run ET as Administrator .... next, please, let us to know if this worked correctly ...
  10. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay. Nice intro, Jasper
  11. Eagle_cz

    Time to vote

    No.2, ahahhaahah it seems that I have secret lover here
  12. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  13. Eagle_cz

    about my et menu

    Ok mate, just delete an unwanted files from your et folder and download fresh tm menu file from our download section on the forum. If you will need my help I am here for you
  14. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  15. finally .. after - so close to one year - he finally made his intro ! well done mate
  16. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  17. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  18. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  19. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  20. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  21. Lol mate, nice intro Btw. I have one question - do you have the key for the lock that you have on your neck ?
  22. Hi Yunus, good to see you around and thanks for this into Have a fun an enjoy your stay
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