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  2. @Klaun we will debate in admin team, please wait the outcome
  3. Thats crazy, getting banned for WH on these two demos. Can you guys give me examples of where it looks like im wallhacking. Because I saw nothing what made it look suspicious. Also perfect shooting through the smoke? are we even watching the same demo? I agree on the toxic gib I was very tilted that day. Is there even a way to defend myself or is this a done deal?
  4. Well now it happened at last.. I thouht how long this guy/woman can play but atleast now he/she is out..
  5. too many "coincidences" to be true anymore. Behavior is also reason enough. Banned
  6. That almost made me !warn him but didn't because that would make me maybe sus recording him
  7. yeah, plus that TK + knife.. let's get rid of such players plz...
  8. I claim this for about 2 years he is using wh, i sent few demos with his weird actions. He acts like he alawys knows where the enemy is and react even when he is not able to see or hear enemy. He is checking some stupid places where normal player wont be looking for enemies (he is finding enemies there, even he didnt see or hear them)
  9. Here a long demo of him, i also suspect wh. Lots of anticipations and healing himself while looking at a wall. Looks like he can see through it klaunx.dm_84
  10. try this? it's less obvious, but still very weird 2024-06-10-175725-etl_adlernest.dm_84
  11. I do see some weird stuff, but demo is to short to judge. Lets hope we get another clear and longer demo
  12. Hi, Klaunx spotted today, weird playings going on. 1. Players name: Klaunx 2. Server: ET:L main 3. Attach demo name: Klaunx.dm_84 4. Reason: Wallhack (last seconds of map, shooting perfectly through smoke) 5. user info below For a review Klaunx.dm_84
  13. Earlier
  14. SK script areas would be nice... Some level areas enemy is shooting straight into spawn example with panzer..
  15. Version 1.0.0


    // ====================================================================== //ETL Base, from (v3) // May 2024 // Cedric 'kemon' Easton // http://www.etlegacy.com // http://www.github.com/realkemon // ====================================================================== This map is an overhaul of the original Base (tc_base) map from RTCW. It is also an overhaul of Brewdog, a document-run conversion of Base made by crumbs. As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort, certain maps are being overhauled. Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment. // AXIS Primary Objective: Protect the North Radar Tower. Primary Objective: Protect the South Radar Tower. Primary Objective: Don't let them steal the Documents. Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post. // ALLIES [color:c63d=#EEEEEEPrimary Objective: Destroy the North Radar Tower. Primary Objective: Destroy the South Radar Tower. Primary Objective: Steal the Documents. Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post. ] // ================= // === CHANGELOG === // ================= to v2: • added tracemap to v1: • Merged Brewdog and Base gameplay in one map with multiple optional map script features. The default attempts to replicate Base. -> Thank you Aciz and u!ps for immense feedback, suggestions and continuous support. • Added voice announcements. Thank you Dkill.
  16. Maman

    Maman say Hi

    Hi I'm Maman , my name is Christophe ,I'm old I play RTCW and ET in Beta 2002. I have a rather nervous temperament. I was banned several times because of this. I love this game. I'm Mute in the server and I prefer it So I can't apologize for the TK I hope to see you on the server. GL&HF ❤️
  17. Only thing which hard to set in that map is those multiple SK areas and its lua script.. Because I dont think that they are set already.. but it has MANY of them..
  18. I may or may not have lied Ahem. I didn't actually add it. It's the kinda map that I shouldn't add without consulting other admins first. Also I'm pretty sure Mini has threatened to ban me in the past if I ever added it lol. I do believe it'll get added though, we're just checking out the time addons thing and other little stuffs. Don't wanna blindly add such a big and ... big map. @Flo be the man who you can trust more than me @Stumpel Honestly I'm not as bad as I make out, I just have carpel tunnel in my wrists and I can't really game after work because of it. I reckon I could still be half decent on etl1 if I played more than once a month and wasn't falling to bits 😅
  19. @Charlie 1 vs 1 me and you would be quite even, why I'm slow man who hates beeing medic and loves rifle.. But I dont live with rifle or keep is as wife.. My wife is Elina and sometimes she asks me to help her.. P.S. People have seen what kind of player I am and I can tell... I play always to object, if know the obj.. I use grenades and rg's and if they empty I switch pistols so most of kills comes grenade/rg and when I die mostly I drop nade next me just after death that uniform cant be taken.. Knife I attack suddenly, and if FIeld-ops I try give all people ammo which I think they need throwing nades and last shoot.. Covert I use FG or sniper I just dont like sten.. And I use much smoke grenades I keep throwing them to help people spot wh guys, and that team gets cover in actions.. Soldier sometimes if I am its mortar or flamer... Medic in very rare cases, then I try needle own team guys who are on ground and give packets... Shooting comes 2nd.. BUT my mouse is somehow broken it sometimes shoot random shots automatic without even touching it and I have maded some tk's because of it and been angry to mee after it.. I have to buy new mouse.. Any ideas about new wireless laptop mouses.. I have to run aim in the sky that random shot doesnt hit others.. Even my keboard buttons stop working sometimes idk the reason my PC is DELL Latitude E5470 (Windows 10 (8Gb DDR 4 RAM and 128Gb flashram and integrated Corei5 GFX card but I have only 4 games ET, MW2 and MW3 and CSGO.. Im quite good at that MW2 and MW3.. But that laptop isnt the greatest one..
  20. charlie im stepping up doing just that daily
  21. Hahahaha brilliant. Thanks Charlie! Could never beat u even if I tried :'D
  22. Imagine how embarrassing it would be for a retired old man like me to beat Ebo in a 1v1. I couldn't do that to her. Added Minas to ETL1 along with the time fix. Let us know if anything needs altered. Cheers lads ❤️
  23. Nice, I hope it wins votes... Its good maps with almost full server..
  24. @Charlie Yo Charleston, you old duck! we unanimously (at least 20+ members) voted tonight, that we need to add Minas Tirith map back into the cycle of main ET:Legacy server! @EBO said you're a wuss if you don't and she'll 1v1 u anyday Please load it back asap, for free Charlie points
  25. hi there and thanks for the greetings! keep enjoying the server ✌️
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