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  3. You mean people in the spawn to be available to pass through or you say it is ok to push them? I have a hard time understanding too here.
  4. Hi Jane. I don't mean to be rude, but I have a hard time trying to understand what it is that you're suggesting. Your 3 posts and the topic title all say something different, but none of them are full suggestions. Would you mind explaining yourself a bit more?
  5. I don't think pushing at start is bad as long as you don't start to late. Promoting pushing throughout the game, I don't think. And I might add I like a little cool down after battle to slow myself and/or sieve through.
  6. Ban them if they keep joining and not playing? And if not let them mess around, they will get tired eventually get tired.
  7. So why is this a good idea? Personally think it's pants. If someone gets in the way in spawn just push them right?
  8. Good Evening, Perhaps there is an update on this situation? Eagerly awaiting your response. Best Regards -ronin.
  9. That Worked!!!!! Awesome !!! thanks.
  10. Hi, we don't have silent server, but we have a nitmod one with dual SMG setup, and the server config cvar for that is: set g_dualSMG "2"
  11. I am hosting my own ET Silent server that I use for fiends to play one. I see on other game serves that players can have both an MP40 and a Thompson. I have searched the web and all sort of documents to find out how it's done with no luck. can I get some assistance to see how it's done? it would be greatly appreciated.
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  13. Guest

    Unable to connect to your server

    No worries, dragonkiss, didn't mean to pick on you, just trying to give accurate info -C
  14. My bad if I miscommunicated. Of course I meant the use of vpn to bypass bans. !Apologies Cyber 😘
  15. Hi Cyber, Thanks for your reply, not that it is any of my business why, I sinceley appreciate the explanation, it makes total sense. So I was banned by a system rather than an admin? I will look into the discord, thanks for the link. It's not something Ive used before, I preseume it succeeds irc. Maybe the guy isnt around, i'd rather not wait, but I won't complain, directly...hehe ... it is the weekend - it's understandable. Hopefully he will fix it soon, and thank you for the infos. Looking forward to playing this game again on your server! -ronin.
  16. Guest

    Unable to connect to your server

    Thanks for your patience and not trying to get around a ban, even tho it shouldn't be there in the first place. @Flo should be able to get you sorted to use vpn. I think dragonkiss misspoke there regarding vpn. It's not a rule as such, we just don't allow it as first approach, but we're happy to whitelist the nice people. The vpn ban thing is in place to help us fight cheaters or other undesirables, who use vpn to bypass the bans. I'd recommend not reinstalling the game, because as you say, you'd get a new guid and this while thing starts again. You might also be able to get a faster response on our discord here: https://discord.gg/eTk8rkUj We don't organise any matches ourselves, but there is also a discord server for competitive side of et. I'm not a member there so don't have a link for that one, but I'm sure you'd be able to ask around or Google it
  17. Hi again, Thanks so much for you feed backs, honmestly we didn't think about how it would affect online gaming as its not something either of us do, it works for its purpose wich is connection to internet, mainly streaming, for this use it is very good. And no installation, the entire thing was delivered by royal mail and set up by a royal hotty (me) lol. My husband doesnt play video games, and I have stopped about 15 years ago, when I was still young lol, but careers. connecting to the server did work, I was able to connect after the guy above (flo) kindly fixed the issue, but then I was banned again for using a VPN, but I hadnt tried a VPN yet? I have since installed the VPN software but not before this 2nd banning. Idk what happened. I do see you have rules, but VPN isnt listed as a rule? and that is why I requested it, before to use it... thought it seems to be more a requirement to inform you guys first, to be honest your rules are a little confusing, any way I would love to set my laptop up in the kitchen and play but I dont want to connect to your server incase I get banned again, I remember how much of a hassle PB is to get unbanned, is that what the delay is? Should I reinstall the game will that help? I remember reinstalling would make a new key/guid. I'm patiently waiting for your guidance - thanks Do you guys still do games like 3o3 and 6o6 matches? Would love to get involved casualy if thats possible. None of the old 'hangouts' appears to be online any more and I see irc is not used anymore so how do players communicate ? -ronin.
  18. It ‘can’ work but 5g is 5g either through an thetered phone or as an mifi router both use the same type of aerial connection. And as ham amateur I know that that can cause huge issues. Not saying it can’t work but the latency can differ a lot causing huge lag issues. vpn can level it out, but TM has rules about connecting through vpn. I hope you get it to work, but it will always be an undesirable way to play online games.
  19. Hi, I was running an ETNam server until two days back when a fresh install of the mod failed to function. The ISP says it has to do with their recent Legacy update which basically kills the only remaining Nam server in Australia/NZ. I noticed you guys still have a functioning Nam server. I'm looking for some advice as to whether you're running that on an updated legacy server or not. Also I'd really like to download the ETNam all in one zip file but it just doesn't seem to download for me. Any info on your Nam server setup would be greatly appreciated, particularly in compatibility with the current Legacy update. Also if anyone can provide me with a working link to the Nam all in one zip I'd be over the moon. All the best dbd Goat
  20. Hi, It's not a mobile hotspot I am using, its one of these routers that is supposed to be less bother to install, and it connects to the network via a SIM rather than any cables, but it's considered to be fixed, since you arent supposed to take it with you. The issue with it is stability of the ping, its going up and down by 50ms. Some other players indicated that by connecting to a VPN located close to them or close to the server can flatten out the connection at the cost of a small amount of ping. From what I understand I may get a slight increase to ping, but eliminate the up and down jumps. Seems worth a try. I tried to connect, and I was actually banned again after a few seconds, it said VPN this time. I havent tried the VPN app yet tho, was waiting for the go ahead from you guys... I was looking forward to some ET tonight since its the weekend, any possibility ? I dont really have other games that I can play I only have my works laptop and it couldnt play any other game well. But bummed. Thanks -ronin.
  21. Guest

    Unable to connect to your server

    I beg to differ here, dragon. I had my cable Internet fail during match of counter strike, had to tether via phone as emergency solution. It was surprisingly so good that I forgot and platyed one or two more matches on phone's Internet (5g,maybe even 4+g) without issues
  22. Have you tried re-install game.. (But copy most of maps first that you dont have to download them again)
  23. Dont know whats the problem, but for me its really slow but gets in finally. But meanwhile i cant press any button or it get stuck
  24. Im no expert but 5g offers a lot of bandwidth but is still crap concerning an stable latency… you cannot compare it to an ‘regular’ isp connection. And it’s not the bandwidth you want (download a lot of mb’s fast) but an fast way for your signal to go from a to b (latency).
  25. Hello all, This has happened a few times now, but if I try to connect to the server and it's Library B3 then it'll just hang. Bottom right it loads like classes, weapons etc, then the status bar goes to the end and just hangs. (ET application doesn't hang, just the loading of the map) I tried closing ET and reconnect or even opening the console and using /reconnect but nope. Just tried again and the map has changed and straight in, so it's only when it's Library B3. If i'm already playing and the map changes to Library B3 it loads perfectly fine, only on initial connection and if Library B3 is being played
  26. Hi Again, Whatever magic you did, I was able to connect again. Thanks alot. However, I find that I am spiking red, alot. I think it's because I am connecting thro a 5g Router, even tho its considered fixed line home internet, its cableless. Ive tried some of the tweaks I found, they dont help though, I wanted to try a VPN, but I see you prohibit the use unless access is permitted, would it be possible to kindly request a whitelist to be able to try using my VPN service? I read that chosing a VPNserver near th egame server can help improve stability, not so much the over all latency. but id sacrifice a little latency for stability, since it tends to spike at unfortunate times. my game name Ronin. (with a dot) and my guid ends in 74fc8 if this helps. Thank you, and thank you for keeping this game going, I was so stoked when I saw it was still going, and your server is the king by the looks of it Are there still cups / ladders / pick ups? I'm looking forward to playing with you all Best regards Ronin.
  27. Morning I am unable to connect to the server because my IP has been flagged as VPN IP. Can i be whitelisted? Thanks in advance
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