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Well the poster says all i think!

But for all you less than smart muppets out there, here it is in words too!


We have upgraded the Beginners server to something new, something exciting, and even to something a little bit more sexy then what is was. Some would call it Jaymod V2, i call it Nitmod!


We took the great formula of our old beginners server and mixed it with the great new features Nitmod has to offer and became something so explosive we almost decided to not put in online because it just wouldn't be safe!


Are you ready for a night full of blood, guns and hilarity? Are you ready to join your fellow Muppets on a server that feels so familiar, but on the same time so new?


Not a member? Don't worry! Everyone can come!


The event will start at 19:00 GMT. If you're not sure how late that is in your country, no worries, Miraro has the solution to everything! Just click this link right here, and start converting times to other timezones like there's no tomorrow! http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html


Ofcourse this event will be held on our Beginners Server, I'm sure you all have this server saved in your favorites so you can connect to it without wasting any second. But just in case you haven't, here's the ip:


I hope to see you there!

Edited by miraro3
Corrected a small type, ahem.

I can't :'( going to see Amon Amarth. Behemoth and other metal bands ^_^


You lucky sob... :D I'm stuck some where in the deep, dark swedish forrest or finnish ones at that time. Going home for a week of fishing and R'n'R :)


You lucky sob... :D I'm stuck some where in the deep, dark swedish forrest or finnish ones at that time. Going home for a week of fishing and R'n'R :)

:shock: let's switch :sofa: love the woods :D plus I already seen a few tomes behemoth and amon Amarth ;)

  • Founders

A lot of glorifying and bs. Pretty funny though.

people actually want to give this a try and see if it will work, please do not comment if you have nothing positive to say. thank u

  • Founders

A lot of glorifying and bs. Pretty funny though.


If its not constructive feedback then I suggest you STFU and just don't play there!



We have upgraded the Beginners server to something new, something exciting, and even to something a little bit more sexy then what is was. Some would call it Jaymod V2, i call it Nitmod!



FU ben its jaymod v2 :ph34r: you best be there so I can kill you

  • Founders

So ... serious! :sofa:

well people think it just 2min job to set server up. Mr and smirre have both been busy trying to give you  what you want and Miraro make the effort by making a poster to try get it more active some times people should just not say things............................. 


Nah don't hate on the guy. We all have our reason to be bitter dicks sometimes, so let's not hate on people when they are. He probably meant it less.. rude. :D


I agree with Ben here. Just remember the old Jedi saying: "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." And that's the short cut to the dark side :P


But I also agree with Mini and Mr, so if ppl can't say anything nice...don't say anything at all :)

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