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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2017 in all areas

  1. Long time no see! First of all, the event team would like to apologise for the long time between now and our last event. There have been some internal issues with our team and I personally didn't want to plan an event during the summer time because I knew all of you would be out having great hollidays around the world anyways! Having that said, our event team is back in bussiness. Not only are we back we are added a new member to the event team! I know this has been announced elsewhere but this guy deserves a spot on the homepage for volunteering to help us out! Please congratulate @Ctrz aka "c#" once again with his position in the event team. The event we have prepared for you is one I know some of you have been waiting for: a panzerwar event! Our team has made a selection of maps for you and has added a few extras to our server to surprise you on the day of the event. I cincerely hope that you'll enjoy this event. Date: 30th September, 2017 Time: 7pm GMT (that's the time they use in the UK!) Server: This might be the last event I will present to you guys. So I would like to take advantage of this moment to say thank you to all of the people who have attented our past events and made them as much fun as they were. I would also like to express my gratitude to the people who have made my time in TM as great as it has been, you know who you are. Things aren't like they have been around here, but the awesome memories I have with you people will never go away. ~ Ben
    1 point
  2. Hi I'm Maggot. My real name is Helena, and i'm a 27 year old girl who lives in Denmark. I live together with my boyfriend, our 2 cats, 3 chinchilla's and one rabbit I use a lot of time on cars and photography (mostly pictures of cars) and of course ET Also i like to go to concerts, and really enjoy listening to music. Hard rock and metal is my fav I haven't been playing ET for a long time - 10 years i think - untill i started, like, half a year ago. But its nice to be back, i really love this game See you in the game!
    1 point
  3. We are off work so should be able to show our faces.
    1 point
  4. its truly great poster ! I will be the for sure , for all those kill on etpub Jessica must be panzered
    1 point
  5. bind [ "vstr event" set event1 "set event vstr event2; say !!! !!! !!! EEE VVV EEE NNN TTT !!! !!! !!! !!!" set event2 "set event vstr event3; say !!! . .30 sept - saterday at 19.00 (GMT). . !!!" set event3 "set event vstr event4; say !!! Best Event in 2017. - --- - Panzermania !!!" set event4 "set event vstr event5; say !!! . . .This Event will blow you away. . . !!!" set event5 "set event vstr event6; say !!! Thanks to our event team for organising !!!" set event6 "set event vstr event1; say !!! !!! !!! EEE VVV EEE NNN TTT !!! !!! !!! !!!" set event "vstr event1" I will do the advertising again :0
    0 points
  6. Sadly I can't come as we have booze night with cousins. Most of them I have not seen for more than 10 years. Thank you Ben
    0 points
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