Drum roll please.
The map vote is here! Every map suggested will be taken in to consideration and added to the poll. Ice will be replaced with ETL Ice and ETL Bergen will be added. Gotta show our support for what the Legacy guys do. (Can't find TB or SL entries sorry).
Warbell will also be replaced with the version made by our former leader @peyote. Instead of sacrificing your body at the end you must deliver 3x gold from the command post. Makes it slightly easier for axis in the finale, and hopefully boost the maps popularity.
I have added some of the least played maps that weren't mentioned in the discussion to the poll as well.
You can vote for any maps you would like to add, as well as any maps you would like to remove. Depending on the votes, more than 2 maps may be removed as there are several maps not popular on the server (12 maps have been played 5 times or less in 7 days). That means more might be added. Who knows! I sound like someone at a carnival trying to flog something now.
I cannot add any new maps to the poll due to forum reasons - that's why I made the discussion topic. If you want a map that isn't listed then you'll have to wait for next time. Vote away! Every map can be found on TrackBase.
This poll will remain open for 1 week then it will close. Make sure you vote and pass the word on!