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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2019 in all areas

  1. I'm sorry Phara, but i can't agree with you. Previous problem was reported, investigated and fixed by ET:L devs in release that we have on the server right now. 1. It was bug. 2. it was fixed 3. If you can't accept that you used a bug as advantage and now you are not happy, i'm sorry but life is hard somtimes but this is fair to others. well, it's your decision. I will accept it. @others: please, don't react on this because this is going to nowhere... Thank you
    3 points
  2. And FYI, Legacy has also an in-built class selector too if you don't mind it being a little bit slower to use than custom binds ("P" key by default). It doesn't allow to select secondary weapon yet (pistol/akimbo), but we'll hopefully extend that soon. Team can be selected with the "J" key.
    1 point
  3. let's close this. @The Great Pharaoh thank you for your bug report. Issue was investigated, explained and fixed by ET:L developers. If you are not happy, well, such a life. I'm sorry. @Spyhawk Thank you (and to your colleagues too) for detailed explanation and all the hard work you doing! I'm really happy and pleased by cooperation between us and your team ---------------------------- Guys, I want to kindly ask you to refrain from any criticism or insults in any way against anyone. Respect each other even if your opinion is different. This topic isn't for critism about skills of players about differencies that we have between each other. I think that we all want to participate on ET:L development, to make things better and main goal of this topic is to report an issue if someone notice something. If you have a different opinion about way of development, then talk elsewhere https://dev.etlegacy.com/projects/etlegacy/boards Stay on the ground, be polite and don't take this things personally It's only game! Thank you.
    1 point
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