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miraro3 last won the day on April 16 2018

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About miraro3

  • Birthday 10/23/1993

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  1. Hi man, completely missed this post since.. Well since I'm not stopping by here that often anymore haha! Working life is going smoothly, although maybe my schedule is a little too packed haha Hope you've been alright as well!
  2. Ah, I'm sure he has his reasons. After all, it's just a domain. Let's hope some other EU based community doesn't hijack it though
  3. There's a big step from owning a domain and invoicing someone for it to taking over major platforms........... But I don't see why we wouldn't be able to take over Google. It would be a Charlie miraro venture after all! Hi everyone by the way.
  4. I was surprised to see this, but it makes sense I guess. If you would be looking for ways to be able to keep the .eu address maybe I could help you out under my personal company. Just drop me a message
  5. May I suggest enabeling and forcing HTTPS on the website?

    1. MiniMuppet


      done, i hope everything works now :P

    2. miraro3


      Seems like everything is still working haha :P

  6. If there actually is a higher server load, which I still doubt, it would only be caused by clients who actually can render those higher FPS. I'm guessing a whole lot of players will not get to those numbers anyways. Capping the limit will annoy the few players who actually want to increase their FPS (and know how to, let's not forget that there are a lot of people who aren't that familiar with tweeking their CFG). Maybe you should just give it a try and see if the server suffers from it or not? It's easy to reverse and I'm sure you'll make some people really happy in the process I don't have time for gaming these days so a come back won't be possible haha. (If anyone catches me gaming -> it's not because I have time, it's because I have the bad habit of procastinating, don't encourage me )
  7. Isn't the FPS the amount of Frame Per Second something that is rendered by the Client completely? The load should be completely on the Client's GPU. The Client will not send more packages to the server if it has to render more frames in a shorter time. There are different settings that limit the package rate anyways I think. And, hi!
  8. miraro3

    Happy NewYear!

    Happy new year boys and girls!
  9. miraro3

    Merry Christmas !!!!

    Merry christmas to all!
  10. miraro3

    X-mas EVENT

    Yes, I'm proud of him!
  11. miraro3

    X-mas EVENT

    That poster looks awesome!
  12. Won't happen again
  13. The grammar makes this hard to read. It's hardly a Muppet Mail either but more like a brochure about the current leadership. I do like the fact that you somewhat kept the old design. May I suggest that you guys create a page for Muppet mails to be posted on? Not only will it improve readability but it will also allow you to write future editions in html format which will give you a lot more flexibility.
  14. miraro3

    Event: Halloween

  15. Howdy!

    (back-out, be back in '18)

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