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Clan Friend
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Everything posted by huNti

  1. Old time regulars should get an exception... if playing more then 10 years on TM server?
  2. charlie you're on my mind again.. but this time you're dancing for me

  3. welcome to the site nice intro starscream good player aswel see you around
  4. +1 for minas tirith also cortex but the newer version version marrakesh and the falcon map thats it
  5. why is the poll already closed?? LET ME VOTE?
  6. ma catalina? from step brothers? the fuckin catalina wine mixer? :DD
  7. Update: Jesus will be on fortunately.
  8. @Oldman Good. I'd be annoyed if u didn't.. hehe just joking Love you nick btw, they used to call me that irl back at school noticed the name immedietly lmao.
  9. Welcome to the site, good player:)
  10. Nice intro man, welcome to the site. See you on the server
  11. huNti

    Christmas Event

    working till 22 gg if its still on after i will come
  12. Tappara > Ässat

    1. Stumpel


      :crazy:: THAT WAS GOOD :lol:  I would laugh hard if Tappara goes like Ässät.. They arent my fav teams..


      I like KÄRPÄT :D 






    2. huNti


      yes karpat is champion for few years now right.. :) but tappara is good and helsinki too

  13. +1 for what reteid said glider awesome map aswel if played around christmas
  14. I had no problems with the server the last couple of days, however today I crashed once (reconnect after) and it was fine... After some maps I kept crashing, so I kept reconnecting.. but I crashed instantly again (map vesuvius) after every reconnect..
  15. Pipoteentje > Je$$ica?

    Je$$ica > Pipoteentje?

    1. Stumpel


      Je$$ica +Pipoteentje - Jackoe * Street = huNti ??? :facepalm: 

  16. welcome
  17. hoppa maatje welcome :-)
  18. i can't seem to get past the downloads to get on the server, it says need packs password and infected mod and cl_allowdownload 1 does nothing :/ just disconnects me e: fixed it, dl the files from inet
  19. +1 for subway and tram maybe cortex_who and glider aswel
  20. hi I got a suggestion for maps, because lately the same maps are played over and over and over again. Is it possible to maybe ban a map after we played it for like 5 or more maps so we do not play it again every map or so, which is mostly so with goldrush.. Also I don't get why mortar is blocked on sp_deli, there are alot of ways for mortar to be useful in it. topic off question maybe; but alot of nades (with riflenade) dissapear after u shoot with them, mostly its when u hit like a stairs or something higher up, the nade dissapears, seen some people complain about it aswel. regards
  21. Yep same, I joined axis and I instantly crashed to desktop. Reconnected and 5seconds later back to desktop..
  22. hmm yes dont remember name of the clan anymore but i was the only outsider in the clan and there was a guy called yoshi or yoshy in it
  23. welcome did u use to play in portuguese clan like 8-10 years ago on etpro? i think i played with u back then
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