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Kiyo last won the day on October 22 2015

Kiyo had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Kiyo

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Kiyo

    Easter Event

    I will try to be there!
  2. Nobody remembers me probs but been playing some ET again. Legacy seems cool, maybe I'll see yall around. I'm playing with the name <3Kana atm. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. StaR


      Participate on forums and play on server on a weekly basis? :o

    3. Kiyo


      Nice, I'll look into it then :)

    4. StaR


      Woohoooo :D

  3. Kiyo

    Xmas Event.

    merry christmas yall, busy days
  4. Kiyo


  5. Kiyo

    Halloween event!

    Cool! I'll try to be there.
  6. Kiyo

    New leader

    Congrats =)
  7. Bit late but thanks for the tips, I'll be testing them today as I finally got around to downloading ET again. >.<
  8. Got a new pc but none of my old settings.... first of all, how can I use my native resolution without ET crashing? [1920x1080] secondly, as I've got a pretty good pc now I want to be able to play in the highest quality, any settings so that ET looks a lot better graphically? Heeeeeeelp!
  9. Kiyo

    It's time

    I don't know either of you, but you have one of the most active ET communities & you've certainly contributed greatly to the survival of this game. Thanks and goodbye.
  10. 2v2, one weekend are we still teaming up alistar?
  11. Hiho!
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