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PurpleHaze last won the day on April 20 2022

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About PurpleHaze

  • Birthday 09/28/1988

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    out of my mind, be back in 5 minutes

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  1. btw beginner just crashed as well
  2. seems like i took a hell of night to come and have a play.
  3. oO i made it into the tree
  4. PurpleHaze

    Christmas Event

    Tried but got held up. Free tonight, any afterparty?
  5. PurpleHaze

    Christmas Event

    Might be able to swing by later in evening
  6. ye sure we tried maps like cortex before and failed. But why did it fail? Cause we only had less then 10 players on gamehour. Now we have around 20 - 30 on best moments, sure we can retry some big maps that failed before.
  7. Add cortex (we have enough players for this beautiful map now) Remove fueldump, it's a server killer.
  8. Super hope it will hold. Best to restart before real gaming hour will start
  9. We can almost make a new topic. Top 10 boys and girls. Place 12 go go go!
  10. Welcome to the forum svepa!
  11. Haha found the way to the forums I see. Now find your way to the application sector
  12. I'm with sam on this one. Wait a bit to take serious action. For now manual kick seems enough. We only hitted full server 3 times for like 5 to 10 minutes. If this continues ye sure we need more then manual kicking.
  13. We expected this discussion haha. Second server seems to soon, I agree with sam there, it would only result in less players on server 1, there is no good link to put on et to see another server and there players. (Like for example in trackmania) then this would work cause you can see at all times how many players on wich server. I say start with kicking specs that are not our own. I would however be careful with kicking high tm members who are in spec to control the server. (Setting levels/talking/speccing players etc).
  14. the more kicking the better
  15. top 15 and full server again tonight
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