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Ctrz last won the day on March 4

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About Ctrz

  • Birthday 01/16/1990

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  • Location:
    @Tallinn, Estonia
  • Interests
    Music, Motorsport

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  1. Ctrz


    But you've been kicked for insulting, bad language and for beeing toxic before. "Nice" to see that you're going back to behave like you did before joining TM.
  2. So does these people whose evening you are ruining with your selfishness and moronic gameplay. You are. Just not in our servers. Feel free to start your own server, gather both of your friends and mortar indoors as much as you like. But dont come to tell us what and how to do. You sure? That thinking is as dumb as those people who were the cause why Kindereggs are banned in US.
  3. If you see teams beeing bad then just shuffle yourself and dont wait for the vote 🍻
  4. Nobody forces anyone to be fun player and havent seen anyone beeing discriminated for playing with their non-dominant arm due injury. All we ask is to follow rules. Server has pretty forgiving warning system but we cant help further if people still ignore it. 17 individual warnings should be more than plenty to notice that something isnt right. Imagine football game where someone receives 17 yellow cards and then is angry when beeing kicked out with a red card saying "i didnt know". Ban for 7 days was issued like 20 days ago so you have been able to play in server for 2 weeks, whats the issue?
  5. Ctrz

    unfair ban

    wow, thanks! Thanks & cheers
  6. There is a topic about medics open in forum and you have somewhat participated in it .. does he need to open another one?
  7. I remember issues from the past with industry was that it was foggy but that didnt stop bots shooting incredible shots from far away when beeing invisible. Otherwise its a very fun and cool map and nice idea.
  8. Maybe. Tell us your playertag and admins will help you.
  9. Ah, old boy, its good. Giving your opinion is always good but @Kevlar just dont want to talk about medics and other issues in "Heavy Weapon Restrictions" topic. But Im sure we can open topic to talk about medics and other classes. You and I have come long way from playing in AoS servers and now in TM server (both legacy and pre-legacy time) and you know you can always post things or comment. Just lets talk about heavy weapons here and other things in other topics.
  10. If they have their mom skills then they only do Sims
  11. I asked the same from charlie in discord. Here's the reply
  12. Although I don't personally see those weapons beeing that big of an issue in big open maps like radar or grush, I see them beeing uncool in smaller maps with more narrow areas which is why I voted for limiting them. Fully agree. Maybe should be even looked into minimizing arty/airstrikes in some maps.
  13. 4 years have passed. lets update it. Now 6 years old
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