Wow! Thanks buddy!
We do our best to maintain the servers as good as we can, there will be always positive and negative things but in the end we only want YOU guys to have a lovely environment where u can relax and play games as much as you want.
Keep playing and we hope we can add some more years to this beautifull community!
Thank you and keep fragging! 😍
Hi @loustik,
I think this happend on ETLegacy 1?
I don't see any bans on ur name specific today?
Could you give me more info, when, name, server or write to us on discord?
Yeah ur 100% right.
Ive added some large maps but as long the script isnt updated and that smaller maps can't be voted with +25players nothing will change the behaviour of the people..
ETL Frostbite
Not allowed. Marked as:
Yellow-heavy weapons
Allies first spawn (FIXED)
Axis spawn UP (FIXED)
Axis spawn down (FIXED)
Axis spawn down outside (FIXED)
CP both teams (CAPTURED)