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Everything posted by mAikL

  1. Hello my Enemy Territory friends! I've read in Discord that new or returning players are looking for servers and that some people don't find the trackbase search very comfortable. Since unfortunately HLSW is no longer looking for servers, I discovered the tool Gamescanner from bdamage http://www.bdamage.se. The tool can: View ETLegacy Servers (Public / Private) buddy list Show other ET mods. View RTCWPro servers I only updated the master servers for ET and RTCW in the gamedfaults file! If anyone still knows master server addresses please contact me https://github.com/b00nji/Gamescanner
  2. but have v2_factory not this 0 sec spawn bug ? 🤔
  3. mAikL

    Hack alert

    False Positive
  4. Happy Birthday Team Muppet
  5. hmm me not
  6. Last Time we Play on Beginner Server an the Player rax from Finnland is realy Obvious... can Somone have an eye on the Demo ? And if he realy this good why he going on Beginners Server ? Thanks for ur Time. 2022-01-15-222202-supply_pro.dm_84
  7. Yes, sometimes the bots behave a bit strange on some maps they shoot and behave ralatively passively and on other maps they see you and you are dead on the ground really quickly ... Sometimes a bit strange
  8. See him Today on Beginners Server Information about alright Slot: 7 Team: allies (Medic) NGUID: CA83EBE1C018163A3EF1E11F78E764PH IP: MAC: 00-D8-61-9F-46-B6 Client: ET 2.60b win-x86 May 8 2006 Level: 0 2021-04-10-231131-adlernest.dm_84
  9. mAikL


    Forum say too Big
  10. mAikL


    Can you take a look at this player? So far rather average aim, now super good in one go Server: Beginner's Nitmod Information about White Slot: 12 Team: axis (Medic) NGUID: ZZ09AE4AE37881E293ADE9E3C00DD5PZ IP: MAC: 74-DE-2B-98-12-04 Client: ET 2.60b win-x86 May 8 2006 Level: 3 https://www.upload.ee/files/12567498/2020-11-25-215223-sp_delivery_te.dm_84.html
  11. 55 a bit much or ? and valhalla a 1on1 map on Public ? 🤪
  12. At least you shouldn't go down to the level of cheaters
  13. I like the new Side Design 😍
  14. if you are interested I can write the whole story for you, but because my writing English is not that good Zippo would like to say thank you that the demos he played were submitted by questionable players and some were banned that is now the thanks
  15. I mean he has done it once and others more often and will not be banned and will not be punished
  16. Interesting decision when we were shown this by antti and soldat when they were still [unit] members and have already done this on Mupped Server, nobody cared. But unfortunately we are only Germans and not women .. Have a nice day or probably not
  17. it have too do if some on from Unit make one time spawnkill or runing about spawn u cry about spawnkill if a LBN Member do this or LBN Friend and somone say about spawnkill not interresting or u shold say somting hello ? and why should a Unit member ask u ? and dont say Armani or other guys in ur range dont know the rules on Server as one calls into the forest, it echoes out
  18. u lower the level but ok i dont care about ET or LBN or somting have too do with this Dead Game anymore u have want this with ur bulling again Unit bye bye have fun with this game i dont care
  19. If you have no other problems you should seek help
  20. np4me demoShabazzzz.dm_84
  21. all of them
  22. So I'm sick of it .. I've been playing for a few years now, see Crossfire Link ..https://www.crossfire.nu/user/5724/l0wnator But something is wrong with your n! Tmod Server Beginners or the players on it? How can it be that a player, if there is no mod / admin on it, sees the spawn and operates spawnkill with his poison knife, I have the player Armani in my sights especially since there is no country's flag and plays very, very questionable, so some players play quite obviously with VPN if an American has a ping of 5 here, that can't be an issue. If you have nothing to hide you don't need a VPN, that's my opinion
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