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Everything posted by papywolf

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Description Allied: "You have to grab the key strategic documents." Axis: "the allies are trying to take the strategic documents." Neutral: "RAS." Objectives Allied objectives 1 "Primary Objective: destroy the front door" 2 "Primary Objective: build the ladder in the garden 3 "Primary Objective: destroy the engine on the roof." 4 "Primary Objective: steal the secret documents and escape with the motorbike" 5 "Primary Objective: create a passage in the basement." 6 "Primary Objective: don't let the axes build the barrier." 7 "Secondary Objective: build the command post." 8 "Secondary Objective: e not let axes build command post." Axis objectives 1 "Primary Objective: defend the front door." 2 "Primary Objective: prevent the construction of the ladder." 3 "Primary Objective: defend the engine on the roof." 4 "Primary Objective: keep the documents secret." 5 "Primary Objective: defend access to the basement 6 "Primary Objective: build the barrier inside." 7 "Secondary Objective: don't let the allies build the command post." 8 "Secondary Objective: build the command post"
  2. Version 1.0.0

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    map by Pro+sS The Allies must deffend the howitzer ammo, and the Axis must destroy it. Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the howitzer ammo." 2 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the mg near the howitzer." 3 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the ladder." 4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the side door." // Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the howitzer ammo boxes." 2 "Secondary Objective:**Create an mg near the howitzer." 3 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Axis ladder." 4 "Secondary Objective:**Deffend the side door."
  3. Version 1.0.0


    this is the script to repair the bell rope. Warbell, by McNite' November 2022 Cedric 'kemon' Easton http://www.etlegacy.com http://www.github.com/realkemon This map is an overhaul of the original Warbell map from ET created by McNite. As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled. Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment. -----Changelog----- to original: • Changed secret room dynamite objective in the Guardhouse to a generator dynamite objective that reveals a passage to the room behind. • Guardhouse doors now open after generator is destroyed not after the lower gate is destroyed. -> Flag secure is still tied to the lower gate. • Added Voice Operator announcements. • Extended sacrifice lightning to outside of the church roof for a near-global status indicator. • Cleaned and stream-lined the entire playable area for faster and smoother movement. OBJECTIVE // AXIS Dynamite the Guardhouse gate. Destroy the Generator. Seize the 'Book of Death' holding ritual instructions. Place the 'Book of Death' on the Altar to enable the summoning ritual. Repair the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell'. Toll the 'Warbell' to awaken Heinrich and sacrifice yourself in the light. Dynamite the Abbey Main Gate to gain access. Establish a Command Post. // ALLIES Defend the Guardhouse Gate. Defend the Generator. Don't let them take the 'Book of Death'. Prevent them from placing the 'Book of Death' on the Altar. Keep the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell' disabled. Stop them from activating the 'Warbell'. Prevent mortal sacrifices to Heinrich at all cost. Defend the Abbey Main Gate. Stop them from establishing a Command Post.
  4. Version 1.0.0

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    Download pk3 name: leningrad_b2.pk3 Map name: leningrad_b2.bsp Author(s): Gnoun MISSION: The allies are besieged in Leningrad and the Axis have planned a attack. The allied objective is to : #1 - Steal the documents of this attack #2 - Transmit the content of these documents via radio to the HQ To breach the axis defenses, the allies have a tank. They can also disable the communication means of their enemies to handicap them! The Axis team can build barriers to slow down the allies. OBJECTIVES (ALLIES): - Steal and transmit the documents! - Escort the churchill tank to gain acces to the tunnel area - Destroy the tank barrier #1 - Open the gate - Destroy the tank barrier #2 - Build the assault ladder - Destroy the brick wall - Destroy the axis Command Post & build your own (Having your command post built allows allies to get a 2nd respawn once the tank has passed the tank barrier #2) OBJECTIVES (AXIS): - Prevent the allies from transmitting the documents - Defend the tunnel area - Build & defend the tank barrier #1 - Keep the gate closed" - Build & defend the tank barrier #2 - Prevent the allies from building / destroy the assault ladder - Defend the brick wall - Destroy the allied Command Post & build your own Readme-Info: Each team has a maximum of 3 respawn - The respawn near the 1st tank barrier no longer belong to the axis team as soon as the tank passes the 1st tank barrier. It becomes allied when the command post is built. It is definitively allied if the command post stays allied 2 minutes, or the tank passes the 2nd tank barrier. - There is a flag in the bunker in the cemetary. This respawn first belong to the axis team. - For gameplay reasons, the assault ladder can be built only when the tank passes the 2nd tank barrier.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Title =F|A= 2tanks File name fa_2tanks_b1.pk3 BSP name fa_2tanks_b1 Version b1 (Created April 2018) Remake by =F|A=Smiley (www.fearless-assassins.com) Description Both teams have the same objective: Get your tank to the Fuel Dump before the enemy gets his there In this version there are no fuel cans to be delivered. If the time limit expires the winning team is the one which has made the most progress with their tank. Game features The ambulance truck dispenses first aid when it stops by the rail track. Once a tank starts moving the ambulance will return to the Fuel Dump and stay there. At this time it becomes possible to build the tank barriers, which are located just outside the Fuel Dump. Don't enter the rooftop V-1 launch hangar, the residual fumes are poisonous. If your team has at least one Command Post built, it enables fire support from your tank: that is, your tank may fire at enemy troops in its path while on the move. The tank will try to avoid inflicting casualties on friendly troops but this cannot be guaranteed.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    B3 Changelog Completely removed fog from map. Improved performance. Fixed some lights. Overall brightness of map increased slightly. Fixed cause of crash. bspname: fa_italy_b3 Map by =F|A=Smiley. & =F|A=C!t0
  7. Version 1.0.0


    B2 Changelog Truck starting position changed. CP position changed to back of bank. When built by axis, they gain healing and supply station next to the CP. When built by axis Tank Depot's Side Door gets removed. Inside of Bank has completely been changed to combat camping around the corners. 2nd Tank Barrier's buildable has changed position to grant more cover to Axis engineers. Map has been made a little bit less orange, to ease on the eyes a bit. Side Wall to Bank has been added. Minor texture changes. More changes. bspname: fa_goldrush_b2 Map by =F|A=Smiley.
  8. Version 1.0.0

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    Enemy Territory Map Energie Ver 1.1 von Sternschubser 1/09 http://home.arcor.de/thorundhammer place the pk3 file in the /etmain directory !!! to avoid max_gamechar_exceeded please delete old versions thanks to: Kernwaffe.de the only true et server lever-desinger.de I probably would never have made it without the great tutorials id software just wonderful that such a game is given out for free and then after 3 years even the source is released thx to all mapper and modder for distribute the fine prefabs, tutorials, models and skys special thx to rayban for the great foliage map detoeni for the nice models desmond sadness and stefan for testing suggestions and criticism thorundhammer*at*gmx.de Description Allies: "In a secret laboratory, strange experiments are being made with strange crystals. Find them and use them for your team!*There was strange experiments with Crystals in a secret Lab. Find it and use them for your Team! " Axis: "In a secret laboratory, strange experiments are being made with strange crystals. Find them and use them for your team!*There was strange experiments with Crystals in a secret Lab. Find it and use them for your Team! " Neutral: "In a secret laboratory, strange experiments are being made with strange crystals." Allied objectives 1 "Primary Lens: Don't let them take the Crystals!" 2" primary objective: Find the Lab and steal the Crystals!" 3" primary objective: *Dont let the Axis build the Generator." 4" primary lens: *Build the Generator." 5" primary lens: *Dont let the Axis build the Transmitter." 6" primary objective: Build the Transmitter. 7" primary objective: Build a command post quickly!*Build the Command Post ASAP!" 8" Primary Lens: *Keep Axis from establishing a Command Post." Axis objectives 1 "Primary Lens: Find the Lab and steal the Crystals!" 2" primary objective: Don't let them take the Crystals!" 3" primary objective: *Build the Generator." 4" primary lens: *Dont let the Allies build the Generator." 5" primary lens: Build the Transmitter. 6" primary objective: *Dont let the Allies build the Transmitter." 7" primary objective: *Keep Allies from establishing a Command Post." 8" Primary Lens: Build a command post quickly!*Build the Command Post ASAP!"
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Axis objectives 1 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Corridor Gate" 2 "Primary Objective:**Build an Axis Command Post." 3 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Generator at all cost." Allies objectives 1 "Primary Objective:**Capture the Corridor Gateway and dynomite the gate if constructed." 2 "Primary Objective:**Build an Allied Command Post." 3 "Primary Objective:** Dynomite the two hubs attached to the Generator to disable the Factory."
  10. Version 1.0.0

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    Pk3 file : UM_Azteca_b4.pk3 Objdata file : UM_Azteca_b4.pk3\maps\(UM)Azteca_b4.objdata Map date : 2005-11-17 Gametypes : wolfmp wolfsw wolflms Raw map name : (UM)Azteca_b4 Arena file : UM_Azteca_b4.pk3\scripts\(UM)Azteca_b4.arena Date added : 2016-06-26 Description Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn. Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn. Allies objectives Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn. Prevent the Raiders from opening the Serenity Lock. Prevent the Raiders from opening the Azteca Lock. Prevent the Raiders from opening the Duality Lock. Bring the Inca Key back to your spawn to win the match. Take the Maya Key to the Maya Lock to gain access to the Stool Room and increase Charge Settings. Take the Azteca Key to the Stool Lock to gain access to the Skull Room and increase Charge Settings. Take the Duality Key to the Skull Lock to gain access to the Inca Room and increase Charge Settings. Axis objectives Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn. Take the Serenity Key to the Serenity Lock to gain access to the Azteca Room and increase Charge Settings. Take the Azteca Key to the Azteca Lock to gain access to the Duality Room and increase Charge Settings. Take the Duality Key to the Duality Lock to gain access to the Inca Room and increase Charge Settings. Bring the Inca Key back to your spawn to win the match. Prevent the Troopers from opening the Maya Lock. Prevent the Troopers from opening the Stool Lock. Prevent the Troopers from opening the Skull Lock.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Description Allied: "Infiltrate the Axis Radar installation and Sabotage the two main Radars" Axis: "Protect your Radar installation at all costs." Neutral: "The Axis have been ocupying souther Italy for to long now. The allied forces have located a dual radar installation that is key in taking back Italy." Allied objectives 1 "Secondary Objective: Dynomite the Service Door to gain access." 2 "Primary Objective: Destroy Radar 2." 3 "Primary Objective: Destroy Radar 1" 4 "Secondary Objective: Capture the Forward bunker." 5 "Secondary Objective: Establish a Command Post in the Forward Bunker" 6 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post in the Forward Bunker." 7 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Axis from caturing the Forward Bunker." Axis objectives 1 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from gaining access through the Service Door." 2 "Primary Objective: Prevent the Allies from destroying Radar 2." 3 "PrimaryObjective: Prevent the Allies from destroying Radar 1." 4 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from capturing the Forward bunker." 5 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from building a Command Post in the Forward Bunker." 6 "Secondary Objective: Set up a Command Post in the Forward bunker." 7 "Secondary Objective: Capture the Forward bunker."
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Description Axis: "Capture all 4 areas of the city." Allied: "Capture all 4 areas of the city." Neutral: "Axis are attacking the small town of Ramelle after it was taken from them by allied paratroopers in the days following D-day." Allied objectives 1 "Capture all 4 areas of the city." Axis objectives 1 "Capture all 4 areas of the city.""
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Allied: "Ok soldier! Were going to the North Pole. Axis have stolen Santa's Sack and are holding it until we release their prisoners. We can't let that happen! Get through the Gates, Steal the Sack and get it back to Santas Grotto before Christmas eve!" Axis: "Attention! Allies are sending troops here. We can only assume they want Santa's Sack. Don't let them get the sack. If we can hold them off we might be able to release the prisonners and ruin their 'Christmas' FOREVER!!!" Neutral: "Axis have taken hostage Santa's Sack and want their prisoners released and they will give the sack back. Allies will loose the war if that happens. Allies need to go through the gates and get Santa his sack back. Otherwise christmas will be ruined!" Objectives Allied objectives 1 "Secondary Objective: Destroy the First Gate." 2 "Secondary Objective: Steal the Key to the Second Gate." 3 "Secondary Objective: Open the Second gate." 4 "Secondary Objective: Fix the Fusebox to the third Gate." 5 "Secondary Objective: Steal Santa's Sack." 6 "Primary Objective: Get Santa's Sack to the Grotto!" 7 "Secondary Objective: Capture the North Pole." 8 "Secondary Objective: Capture the command post in Sleigh Traffic Control for quicker support." Axis objectives 1 "Secondary Objective: Defend the First Gate." 2 "Secondary Objective: Protect the second gate key." 3 "Secondary Objective: Keep Gate 2 shut." 4 "Secondary Objective: Dont let them Fix the Third Gate." 5 "Secondary Objective: Protect Santa's Sack." 6 "Primary Objective: DON'T let them take Santa's Sack back to Santa!" 7 "Secondary Objective: Don't let them capture the North Pole." 8 "Secondary Objective: Capture the command post in Sleigh Traffic Control for quicker support."
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Map Description: ----------------- The battle front is constantly advancing within german lands. Allies have reached the small town of Bergheim that they need to take over in order to have an advanced settlement. It's a strategic position for the outcome of the war. Allied: "Capture the Fortress flag and defend it." Axis: "Defend at all costs the Fortress!" Neutral: "Allies have reached the small town of Bergheim that they need to take over in order to have an advanced settlement.They have to capture the Fortress flag."
  15. Version 1.0.0

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    Name: Chicken Bucket final2* File Name: chicken_bucket_v2.zip Info: map-team-allies.gifOBJECTIVES (ALLIES): 1 "Primary Objective:Don't let the Axis control the jukebox." 2 "Primary Objective:Play the Allied song on the jukebox." 3 "Secondary Objective:Don't let the Axis construct a Command Post." 4 "Secondary Objective:Build a Command Post to reduce the time between reinforcements." OBJECTIVES (AXIS): 1 "Primary Objective:Don't let the Axis control the jukebox." 2 "Primary Objective:Play the Allied song on the jukebox." 3 "Secondary Objective:Don't let the Axis construct a Command Post." 4 "Secondary Objective:Build a Command Post to reduce the time between reinforcements. OBJECTIVES (AXIS): 1 "Primary Objective:Keep the jukebox playing with the Axis song." 2 "Primary Objective:Don't let the Allies take over the jukebox." 3 "Secondary Objective:Construct a Command Post to reduce the time between reinforcements." 4 "Secondary Objective:Prevent the Allies from constructing a Command Post." - Overview: what was supposed to be a peaceful meeting at a popular fast food place turned into a warground over the jukebox, given the conflicting musical tastes. After both sides constructed a Fort Concrete, the fight was on to see who will be the Bucket Masters! - Map Information: Filename: bucket_v2 Menu Name: Chicken Bucket Gametypes: wolfmp wolfsw Players: Up to 32 per team is supported
  16. Version 1.0.0

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    Map Type:OBJ Map Size:Large Map Theme:Regular Attacker:Allies The Axis have developed a new, longer ranged, more accurate V2 Rocket. A prototype is will launch from a hidden base buried deep beneath the mountains. If successful, this could well mark the turning point of the war. The Allied forces have learned of the launch location and detached a crack group of commandos to ensure the test launch fails ...**Allies must gain access to the control room, steal the override key, then take it across the launch pad to the override console to shut down the launch.
  17. Version 1.0.0

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    Credits to the following people.......... Bertie, for his massive contribution to the reconstruction of this classic map Rtcw Mp_base, he put many hours in making this map into what it is now and we thank him. Cheers Bert the Alienz owe you a pint Hudson, for his help with the models ...Alienz Rock man! The Alienz Clan for helping with the testing of this map.....you know who you are And a special mention to ChumChum, as we would like to give credit for his map Communique which was a remake of the Rtcw Mp_base of which we liked and used some of his map designs in the making of this map. Credits the origonal makers of the map for giving us something to work with and lastly myself Haggis for the......oh just play the map already what the hell you reading this for anyway ? // Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Objective:**Dynamite the Allied Quick Access Bridge" 2 "Objective:**Defend the Axis Tunnel Gate Door" 3 "Objective:**Defend the Door on North Radar 1" 4 "Objective:**Defend the Door on South Rader 2" 5 "bjective:**Protect the North Radar Tower 1." 6 "Primary Objective:**Protect the South Radar Tower 2." 7 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the Baby Alien!!" 8 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from taking the Baby Alien to their Radio room!!" // Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Objective:**Construct the Allied Quick Access Bridge and blow the Allied Door" 2 "Objective:**Dynamite the Axis Tunnel Gate Door" 3 "Objective:**Dynamite the Door on Radar 1" 4 "Objective:**Dynamite the Door on Radar 2" 5 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the North Radar 1 Controls." 6 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the South Radar 2 Controls." 7 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Baby Alien " 8 "Primary Objective:**Take the Baby Alien to the Allied Radio Room!!"
  18. Version 1.0.0

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    MAP Name: Saberpeak Game: Enemy Territory Version: Final Author: NOP Website: http://home.comcast.net/~saberpeak/ Date: August 11, 2004 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Place saberpeak_final.pk3 inside the etmain folder in your game directory. ETPRO INFORMATION To have command icons not appear outside compass in servers running the etpro mod download saberpeak_etpro.pk3 from the map website and place it inside your etpro folder in your game directory. IMPORTANT: Do not place saberpeak_etpro.pk3 in your etmain directory. If you do your comand map icons will not show up in servers that are not running etpro. MAP DESCRIPTION A small secluded beach resort proved to be the ideal place for the axis to establish a secret docking station for their u-boats. Surrounded by very tall cliffs, the small Saberpeak gulf is well hidden from prying eyes and unwelcome visitors. A small group of allied forces were sent on a mission along the coast to find the secret base and destroy any u-boats in its hangar. This will prove quite difficult since the axis have heavily fortified the resort turning it into an impenetrable fortress. To make things even worse an ammo shipment sent to supply the allies assault boat was intercepted by the axis leaving the allies severely weakened. RECOMMENDED NUMBER OF PLAYERS: The map has a lot of open spaces and it was meant to be played with a large number of players. Personally I recommend a minimum of 15 and a maximum of whatever your server can handle before it goes up in flames. That being said however, it's up to you. OBJECTIVES: ALLIES: Primary: 1)Escort the assault boat to the old dock. 2)Steal the ammo from the truck and load it onto the boat. 3)Escort the boat to the resort gates and use the boat cannons to destroy the entrance. 4)Destroy the submarine. Secondary: 1)Destroy the side wall 2)Construct the command post AXIS: 1)Don't let the allies steal the ammo. 2)Stop the boat from destroying the resort gates. 3)Protect the submarine. Secondary 4)Construct the command post. KNOWN ISSUES 1) There is a small bug where if the boat gets damaged while it is destroying the boulder blocking the side path and an allied player is on the boat during this time, the boat will not be repairable even though it is damaged. To fix this bug the allied players have to get off the boat until the boat becomes repairable (which should take about 1 or 2 seconds). 2) Because the map is so big there are certain limitations imposed by the game. These have to do with the maximum distance a projectile can travel which is 8192 game units. Although this distance is very large, there are certain points in the map where you can see this far (and probably more) which means that if you shoot at a player further than 8192 units your bullets simply wont reach. This restriction doesn't apply to scoped weapons. Thanks to everyone at the splash damage forums, the best forums I've come across online. Thanks to splash damage for their great game and the great support that they provide to the mapping community. In particular special thanks to sock for all his tutorials, LDR revisions and for always answering questions no matter how stupid they were. Thanks to ydnar for the amazing work with q3map2. Without the great features he's added to the compiler this map would not have been possible. Thanks to all the people who played the beta version and mailed me suggestions and reported bugs. Please keep supporting custom maps and the modding community. ********* This map can be distributed freely as long as this readme file accompanies it. This map or its contents cannot be distributed or used in any way for profit. Your are free to use any brushwork or models from this map as prefabs for your own maps. Visit the release website to obtain the source files and info on how to use them. Please read the notes on the naming conventions to eliminate any conflicts with file names etc. DONE. This mapper is now officially on a nop loop awaiting an interrupt.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    fa_italy_b1 Remake by =F|A=Smiley. Big thanks to: Prof. Tony Vindstot Lightray B1 Changes: - More roof access. - 2nd entrance to flag courtyard. - CP has been moved to avoid fall damage when leaving old CP spawn area. - Axis spawn completely changed. - Supply cabinets added at exit of Axis Spawn. - Fences removed. - New pathway from axis spawn to tower. - 2nd hole will open when destroying tower wall. - Flag courtyard cleaned up. - Changed appartements. - Secret room is now easily accessible. - Removed a lot of clutter for more smooth gameplay.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Big thanks to: Vindstot Leatherface Cito Patrick Cheepheep Achilles Destiny Changes: - Added side door to tank compound so it's harder for allies to flank. Side door can be opened by covert ops or by constructing the Southern CP. - Changed lightning to a more "warm" feel, with that I changed skybox. - Moved 2nd Truck Barrier, 2nd Tank Barrier and 1st Tank Barrier's construction materials to give axis more cover. - Made tunnel connecting supply cabinets at Long to 3rd Arch Way. - Changed balcony completely. Big tower removed. South CP moved on top of new balcony area. - Bank Courtyard completely overhauled. More cover, more roof access etc. - Axis 2nd spawn roof changed, (compared to GALS it's easier to get to roof now.) - Added another exit out of Axis 2nd spawn to cool down on blocking. - Gold in Bank moved forward. - Added another entrance into Bank for allies to attack. - West of Bank Courtyard I opened up a house, again to help allies capture gold. - *Lots* of clipping removed, I'd say +50%. This gives a way more open feel for the player and more spots are accessible. - Entities 2720 -> 1702 - MG near old 2nd Truck Barrier removed. Same goes to the one near 2nd Tank Barrier. - Supply cabs in axis spawn moved to back alley near Bank.
  21. Version 1.0.0

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    Email Address: nvision_alex@yahoo.com ICQ/MSN/Yahoo: nvision_alex@yahoo.com Clan Site: http://etromania.forumotion.com ------------------------------------------------- Map Information ------------------------------------------------- Game: ENEMY TERRITORY Title: FalX CTF Village Filename: falx_ctf_village_b2.pk3 Version: beta 2 Release date: 1/09/2012 Decription: Capture the flag race, a supremacy race. Secure more flags than your enemy!" Players: Map designed for 2-8 players Installation: Place the falx_ctf_village_b2.pk3 into your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or bring down the console and type: map falx_ctf_village_b2 ------------------------------------------------- Objectives ------------------------------------------------ Allies: Steal the enemy flag! Defend your own flag! Axis: Steal the enemy flag! Defend your own flag! Round time: 20 minutes ------------------------------------------------- Testing ------------------------------------------------- Bugs: REPORT ANY BUGS at SplashDamage forums or ym: nvision_alex@yahoo.com or etromania.forumotion.com -------------------------------------------------
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Have fun. Thanks to Mo0n for her suggestion about Escher paintings For any comments or request please write to: et.i.see.dead.people@gmail.com 18/07/2014 - LoRenz You can see the models's credits in their respective folders. 13/07/2014 - LoRenz original model well.obj by 3dregenerator original model by rafferty http://3dblueprint.weebly.com/index.html original model by deadcode original static model cat.obj by 3dregenerator original model by nmaison88 original obj model by baychaser Date: 19th of August 2000. file: sb-deserttga.zip author: Sock email address: sock@planetquake.com URL: http://www.planetquake.com/simland
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Author : die die Email address : insomniabergen at hotmail dott com Map Information Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Title : Operation Lucky Filename : op_lucky_a2.pk3 Release date : FP,31-3-06(private test) : alpha1, 12 april 2006 : alpha2, 30 july 2006 after a loong mapping break:p Programs : Gtkradiant 1.4 : Photoshop cs2 : notepad : Crimson Editor : Q3map2build : FixWAV Build time : 3 months Compile time : 300 seconds Compile machine : AMD 64 xp4400 x2, 4 gb ram,x800 gto Installation : Place the .pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or bring down the console and type: /map op_lucky_a2 Info! #. Version ALPHA 1 info: this realease is for gameplay and bugfixing there is still quite some stuff to do on this map,fixing custom textures,scripting, gameplay and so on:) #. Version ALPHA 2 info: added truck barrier,added back door to captruable spwn,worked the lightning #. Objectives Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Take controll over the Axis occupied house and push axis back to get easyer Access to the Objective" 2 "Primary Objective:**Intelligence reports say that Axis forces have their Prototype Radar parts in this Warehouse, Blow the Warehouse door to get acess to the Objectives." 3 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Radar parts." 4 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Truck and escape with the Radar Parts." 5 "Primary Objective:**Construct The Commandpost to get a extra Spawn." 6 "Primary Objective:**Stop Axis from Constructing a Commandpost." Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Keep controll over the House,and stop the futile Allied attack" 2 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Warehouse Door." 3 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Radar Parts." 4 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from Stealing the Truck." 5 "Primary Objective:**Stop Allies from constructing a Command Post." 6 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Command Post."
  24. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    // Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from blowing the Axis Tank Door Garage." 2 "Primary Objective:**Disable or obstruct the Allied Tank to prevent it reaching the Bank Courtyard." 3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from using the Tank to blow open the Back Moskee Doors." 4 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the Gold Bars from the Moskee Vault." 5 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from escaping with the Gold via a Boat in the sub_bunker." 6 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the sub_bunker to gain a respawn point. DONT BUILD IT TO FAST BECAUSE YOU WILL LOST THE TANK DEPOT RESPAWN!!!" 7 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post and build your from fortifying your position with a Command Post." // Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary Objective:**Blow The Tank Door to steal a Tank from the Axis garage." 2 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Tank and escort it to the Moskee valley, clearing any obstructions along the route." 3 "Primary Objective:**Escort the Tank into position to blow the Moskee Back Doors open to reach the 2 goldcrates." 4 "Primary Objective:**Steal two crates of Gold from the Moskee Vault and escort it to the boat." 5 "Primary Objective:**Escape with the crates of Gold using the Boat in the sub_bunker." 6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the sub_bunker ." 7 "Secondary Objective:**Establish a Command Post at foward garage door." Very special thanks to the following people. Without them this would still just be a bad idea in my head. Lead-Mapper - i just pretend to map - masterkiller(QC) Testing/Ideas - tons of bugs/ideas - CED and his Brother,Tony,fred, tipou and more friend. (thanks guys) Help - pakalatak and psylopat (from easymapping) The goldrush source web ressource: http://easymapping.free.fr/html/ http://etmapping.goldzoneweb.info/tuto.php http://www.enemyterritory-stuff.com/ http://www.drakir.tk/ http://www.gamedesign-online.com http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/ http://user.tninet.se/~fzo823r/ http://www.pythononline.co.uk/et/tutorial.htm http://members.lycos.co.uk/quakeroats/q3map2/shader_manual/ http://www.wolfensteinx.com/surface/tutorials.html http://hackerteam.free.fr/ Any suggestions/bugs/thoughts/for the final version can be done in this topic http://easymapping.free.fr/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=1209&forum=4 http://easymapping.free.fr/html
  25. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Prévisualisation mlb_egypt_fixed 1.0.0 September 11, 2015 File Size:10.32 MB About This File: allied "Stop Axis forces from escorting the boat up the river. They're aiming for a set of gold crates hidden in the pyramid sarcophage chamber." axis "Escort the boat up the river, gain access to the pyramid sarcophage chamber and steal the gold crate." neutral "Allied forces are attempting to stop an Axis squad from escorting their boat up the river where it risks granting access to the pyramid *Fixed a bug in the script (thx to Lynxx), which needed a change in the bsp. The bug is: When the cannon is fired, also the backgate gets blown and allies can't defend the objective. So Axis can Spawn near the rear entry, and get it. ~peyote
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