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BladeWarrioR last won the day on November 6 2020

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About BladeWarrioR

  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  1. Happy Bday TeamMuppet. PS hope all is well .. been a while since i showed my face
  2. Thats why there is a vote at least then i know that i am not gonna waste any time in testing
  3. IMO members should be doing this anyway. The auto-balance should never happen when members are on the server and are playing ... Im gonna get alot of complaints in me saying that but its just my opinion
  4. Not True. The only time when it becomes a mess is when admins/members allow it to become that. That's why you have spam restrictions on the servers and also admin/members to control the spam by muting the abuses. When this soundpack was on the NB servers back in the day there was no spam whatso ever as it was controlled by the NB admins/members. Probs the best server that had a custom soundpack as they controlled the spammers by muting, then if they continue they would be kicked. The only time custom soundspacks have ever been a problem is when members/admins let the players spam/abuse them.
  5. Without actually testing it on the server theres no way to see how much spam theres going to be .. i would need to test it on the test server so that i can get the text correct and to see if it actually works .. then the main test would be on the server itself .. As for the custom member join sounds, i have no idea how to make them for the server. this is just a custom sounds pack i have saved over the years. It is not something i have made myself Even though theres is one more vote, as or typing this comment, more for no. Im actual surprised the vote is fairly even to have a custom sound pack on the server.
  6. I think I already know the answer to this question but I'm generally curious what people think Would people be interested in a customer soundpack on the servers ? I know that they should work on nitmod but i don't know about legacy and if its supported to do that. I have noticed in the console, on legacy , during killing sprees that the console wants to play a sound file but they seem to be missing and thats why they are not playing. The sound pack that i have do not have the killing spree sounds inside it. It's and custom sound made from clips or songs. For example it has the speech from Jeff Dunham's Achmed the Dead Terrorist 'Silence ! I kill you ! I have got an old Soundpack saved on my pc from the {NB} clan ( some of you might know these as they use to play on our servers ) And if i can get it to work after some editing and testing would people be interested ? I know that sometimes we have issues with spam as it is but we could just restrict the amount of spam even more ? Been asking on servers and seems to be 50/50 so thought id make a topic here, Kind Regards Dan
  7. Pro's vote for cluedo
  8. Mini loves the map .. just wont admit it XD would be nice to see it back
  9. Guys be careful with Hydro Dam. The map will never end until axis or allies complete the obj as there is an obj for each team. No matter what map time is set it will continue pass 00.00 until axis or allies completes obj. AS much as i love this map, may not be a good idea for the servers
  10. Thats a lie .. i was jaymod for about 1 month then went etpub .. I was on etpub before u became a member XD in fact im pritty sure i was a jr admin
  11. oooh .. ok thats how it is ... Andy gets a mention but old blade/baldy here doesn't -.- Now know where i stand Just have to kick ur ass more now ...
  12. Good evening gamers ! We would like to invite you all to out Easter Spooktacular !! Come join us on our Infected Mod server for this event. Date - 18/04/2020 Time - 19:00 CET IP - Don't forget to join us on discord Hope to see you all there Thanks to 0wn1x For the artwork
  13. Is there really any need for the map vote to be active on the server ? I have been back now for approx 3 weeks and its the same boring ass maps that get voted over and over again. Now i know that the map vote will never be removed but i its pointless when playing the same maps, just my opinion. Why do we have all the versions of goldrush on the server ? we only need 1 not all of them. A little bit annoying when the map finished then the next map the gets voted is a different version of the same map (that happened yesterday also, went from GA to the SW version) caused alot of players to leave the server. So can we just pick 1 and not all of them. Anyway down to the map suggestions. Industry 2 final - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=2581 Marrakech Streets 2 final - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=4093 ET Assault - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=110 Millenium Falocn - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=475 Warbell - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=3868 Eagles 2 - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=7544 Pantherbase - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=833 Subway - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=2783 Cluedo - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=6302 1944 Nordwind 2 - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=13860 City Of Lost Children - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=3661 Transmitter - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=1582 Password 2 - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=118 ( Debatable Map ) Tankbuster - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=6437 ( Debatable map ) Base Race - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=5196 ( Debatable Map) Minas Tirith (only good on a full server ) - https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=3034 This is just a small few suggestions that i have Regards Dan
  14. Not sure if i have put this in the right place but this is where its going since xfire has now fianly shutdown i remember i used a program called ET Starter Pro all the time to connect to my et servers .. http://etconfig.net/et_downloads/et_starter_pro/ download the link and install to your pc .. once you have done that you must run as admin .. otherswise you will have some complications in conecting .. et will ask u for a path to your ET.exe .. which i just simply found in your et folder .. on the main screen, click Menu at the top left .. click Tools .. then options .. when the next tab open click on Servers and then you can add and remove servers to be able to join on through ET Starter Pro .. The program comes with all patch's so when u add the server and ready to join .. find you server .. select correct patch .. then click on patch and connect .. easy what i must say tho is this .. MAKE SURE THAT THE DELETE ETKEY TAB IS UNTICKED !!! i will lose yout etkey if ticked and lose ir admin xp etc etc ... ( might be as wise to make multiple copies of you et key just to make sure ) hope this helps for some of you Please note this only works with the mods below (wounder if our tech guys are able to add mods to it or if we can add them ourselfs and tell us ?): etpro etmain etpub shrubet jaymod added - so it turns out if u click on menu ... tools .. serverbrowse .. you are able to manual search for servers and then add them to your favs .. this will then allow you to join selected server
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