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Everything posted by random

  1. Nothing got changed usually. Maybe times have changed but i doubt.
  2. random

    hello guyz!

    I haven't played for ages and just stumbled here. You sir get offended way too easy. I remember that clearly. Also you were the one insulting other players when getting killed. Didn't you even get banned? Don't act like an altar boy now.
  3. 70 % still using it. Does this improve security somehow? Does it really matter if 10 or 10000 PC-s were affected? All i'm sayin is that there are alternatives to tv.
  4. random

    Happy Easter Muppets

    Anyone really celebrates Easter? I remember drawing eggs like 15 years ago Now it is just a free friday
  5. Should reset them every 2 months or so. Not 100% sure but i think "whosright" record was a bug.
  6. Reset them every 2 months
  7. bind MOUSE4 "kill; forcetapout;" If you're using a mouse with only 2 buttons then ofc will not work.
  8. bind MOUSE2 "+movedown" Problem solved.
  9. You all live in Australia or something?
  10. I'll let you guys win this time
  11. if you beat my record then we can start talking about pacman. Or is it beaten already? Don't have access to arcade anymore
  12. Rommel_final
  13. Oasis comes on when 0 votes, also when server restart. That's what i've seen at least.
  14. Aha I already have this
  15. random

    Map Test Event

    Didn't zoom any good maps on the poster You should just replace 3 most unplayed maps every month imo.
  16. There was a picture of the whole area before axis first spawn full of mines in Oasis, at least a couple of hundred of them, circulating some time ago so you can improve. Couldn't find it anymore.
  17. Version 1.1


    Direct mouse input for ET. If it doesn't feel it is helping you, at least it has a placebo effect.
  18. random


    Posted Today, 03:02 AM - you got some free time indeed Willlkommen!
  19. random

    ET Minimizer

    who is running his machine without admin privileges these days??
  20. random

    ET Minimizer

    http://www.idcation.com/download/17/minimizor_20 Have had this for years and no problems whatsoever. Works not only for ET but most of older games. Made by Mathijs "Lightning" Hoekstra
  21. random

    ETPub heavy lag

    If using AMD then /r_primitives 2. If Nvidia turn off threaded optimization.
  22. random


  23. random


    Great. You could have easily made a Google form tho
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