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Everything posted by random

  1. Where is this Baserace server??
  2. Whilst knifing some other area knife is quite useless. Should balance it imo.
  3. I guess this was the one with white ball and scores...definitely played it at some point and the event was about to follow. Not sure if it ever happened tho.
  4. http://www.splashdamage.com/content/download-wolfenstein-enemy-territory Re-download
  5. #hatepanzer #cancel
  6. random

    It's time

    Thanks for the good work. Been playing here for years now and im satisfied. GL to whatever you guys are going to do!
  7. random

    Very low fps

    You did roll back the driver? I have also had some issues in the past with nvidia driver updates. Rolling back usually helps.
  8. random

    Very low fps

    I did a quick calculus. I presume it is way more expensive to drink in UK tahn in EE. If i go out for a weekend (pub, drinks, food) it usually cost around 100 e. Depends how much i drink ofc. But if you go out (i believe you get quite hammered?) and spend like 100 quids a night? So for 200 pounds a PC that runs ET at astable 125 fps is iizi. On the other hand if you drink home and cheap beer then ofc you would have to be sober for like 2 days i beleive Last sentence doesn't make any sense. gg.
  9. random

    Very low fps

    Nvidia settings should look like this:
  10. random

    Very low fps

    r_primitives 2 has been on this forum multiple times. I just wonder how ppl can't remember stuff
  11. random

    Very low fps

    Charles just don't go out or drink(alcohol) like 2 weekends and you can buy a pc that runs ET at 125fps easy.
  12. Welcome. Was sure i've seen your name somewhere. USA hayzay is the answer.
  13. random

    ET console bug

    l = L
  14. random

    ET console bug

    crtl + l
  15. http://teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/12885-muppet-mail-4/ Read the interview for some of the answers.
  16. Mouse1 wearing out...
  17. For example in OZ "cunt" is pretty much a conjunction so don't get too offended by this
  18. What i'm sayin is that there are retards everywhere and you can't manage them all. You can kick/ban one and another one comes there at some point anyway. Pretty much the same situation with cheaters. French fries you just do /ignore. I think baserace server unfortunately aint so popular to have admin there constantly.
  19. What's the big fuzz about? Just do /ignore whaterver nickname he is using and problem solved. No need to go full internet bambi on this..
  20. He's from Norway. Even sandwitch making pays good there
  21. Saturday - doing stuff, going out day. Sunday - relax, hangover and gaming day. I don't get how saturday always wins
  22. random

    no mac address

  23. TM sponsored flight to OZ where Christmas is the biggest drinking-partying time.
  24. Just roll back the driver if it was working before. Easy.
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