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  2. Stumpel


    This comment doesnt count into this topic, but the screenshots show very much shooting against anti-spawnkill script in many maps, means many many warnings.. Which means anti-SK script might kick soon too in diffrent maps..
  3. Jessica


    @knuX no mather what happned before, these kind of communication is totaly not acceptable. You better thank @Txrki that it was only a 15 minute kick.
  4. Stumpel


    TM friend or not, that kind of calling isnt accepted.. I think Txrki did correct.
  5. Ande


    For that langue i dont know why he didnt kick you earlier.
  6. Txrki


  7. knuX


    I called you an idiot because you were whining about the team whilst doing nothing Kicking me for saying you'll lose a map in 5 minutes is ridiculous
  8. Txrki


    1st kick for saying: "ur an idiot txrki" to which i didn't get a screen shot 2nd kick for saying: "absolute moron txrki" + "guys a fucking idiot" 3rd kick for saying "txrki will lose this in 5 mins" Act like a tool - get treated like one. Behave and I won't bother you. screenshots below $ You
  9. knuX


    Please look into recent kicks from this admin and see if each of them were warranted Latest kick was because I wrote "Txrki will lose this in 5 minutes". Is this enough reason to be kicked? Thank you
  10. Hey there! I 'm an old clan owner and ET fun ❤️ But didn't own or host server for like 15 -20 years, now i start to enjoy this epic game again ,so i start with get level , and i buy slots from GTX , now i have 16.slot server where i can ask for support maximum to install a mad ,Legacy i would like , now i have jaymod2.60b installed ... but, the most important think is.. PLEASE!! ❤️❤️❤️ i need help to set up a server , i can't use even rcon... im totally nub now Level adding ,greet text , banners , bots, and so on .. i can give SUP-USER account to my control panel on gtxgaming.co.uk REally please , i searching 3 days already and cant set it up by myself
  11. Earlier
  12. So added 1 comment more.. So feel free to see how fast my finger types command, if guys want play cat and mouse game inside with mortar, when I m online..
  13. Ok rule understood, so if I example see/saw someone using mortar inside, then I just !kick and add reason that its against our rules which means USING MORTAR INSIDE NOT ALLOWED... Why, because its against rules, its how I udrenstand it after those comments... Thank you for helping with situation.. Thanks @Ctrz @Cyber and @lost your great guys all, thanks for commenting..
  14. Thanks.
  15. Hello, it's ok now, we have whitelisted your account. You are free to connect.
  16. Hi, I tried to connect to the server with IP, but after downloading maps and other files, I received a message that I had been banned for using a VPN-IP. To the best of my knowledge, I don't use a VPN. I had the username "keyos.".
  17. So does these people whose evening you are ruining with your selfishness and moronic gameplay. You are. Just not in our servers. Feel free to start your own server, gather both of your friends and mortar indoors as much as you like. But dont come to tell us what and how to do. You sure? That thinking is as dumb as those people who were the cause why Kindereggs are banned in US.
  18. All of this discussion about what situation or what map is inconsequential. @Stumpel it has been decided that regardless of situation, using mortar indoors equals abusing game mechanics and gaining unfair advantage by doing so. So using mortar indoors is not up for discussion, case closed. If anyone feels like the rule is unfair or stupid or whatever, that will need a separate discussion in separate topic. Ps. I didn't decide on it, but since it is a rule, I will stand by it and enforce it
  19. A mortar can easily block stairs to gold room in et_beach. I remember KIMI AHK doing ridiculous amount of frags at prime time on the server. I am not a fan of heavy regulations but may be some things are justified especially during prime hours.
  20. Stumpel the situation is different than he described it. On et_beach map he was using mortar inside the buildings, he was banned after that on radar map. So this case has nothing to do with radar, he was just playing on the server and got ban.
  21. Which building you were with your mortar.. I mean I have seen some maps people using mortar inside of building and no-one havent complained about it.. Its more like about where or which area you are with your mortar.. On radar map there isnt many areas where its allowed.. I dont think that you were some 'side building which wasnt having any restricted areas...' We have script which automatically take player BANNED if too much make heavy firing on those areas which are set on script.. One example on map where seen many times firing inside is Decay.. that someone has sit on gold room with mortar to aim to corridor where anemy comes and people seem to been fine with that.. with so low angle that it shoots into corridor far away.. Wont tell how they do it, that it doesnt come more used have seen some people doing that..
  22. Thanks for your feedbacks. This has thus been disabled.
  23. Only player who is banned is a player named Jotaela, but he had many, many, many warnings, also for mortar inside. I can't Imagine you are Jotaela, and then write a topic like this ! Would it be ????
  24. Further, you can rejoin our server. Last Ban you had, with your name, was on 1e of aug 2024.
  25. Dear Perro, Game was originaly disigned for 6 vs 6 players. You can imagine some weapons are not fair when we play 24 vs 24 players That is the reason we have some aditional rules, to keep the server fun for everybody, not just for 1 player.
  26. This game is meant to be fun, not a competition. When we finish our jobs or studies, we just want to disconnect from the world and play a round of this game, which I’ve been playing since its launch, over 20 years ago. It’s a war game—you can’t make ridiculous rules like "no pushing" or "no using the mortar inside a building." Why shouldn’t I be able to use the mortar inside a room and take out anyone who enters? It’s part of the game, and I’m sure that in real war, someone did it too. These are absurd rules made by people who are bitter about their lives and just want to impose their will. You just banned me for a week for using the mortar on the Radars map, and I wasn’t even attacking any restricted areas. I don’t understand why you insist on ruining the experience for those of us who regularly join this server to play and have fun...
  27. Thanks for following up on this, Flo. Shuffling is what I usually do in such a scenario, however there can be cases where no TM is around (as Stumpel is also pointing out). I guess the worst that'll happen is that people too will realize that they need to shuffle early on (in the first 10 sec) for the next game, and that should be ok. Thanks again for confirming the issue and checking with the dev.
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