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  3. Already had most these maps on before, when I return off my holiday we can try some again.
  4. Some nice suggestions, suggestions I'd suggest myself.
  5. +1 for Fueldump (good for when there are lots of players on the server)
  6. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Ouessant Lighthouse (Beta 1) Description description allies "Take out the axis lighthouse! Use an Engineer to hack the axis bridge computer. This Will raise the bridge to the lighthouse -- climb to the top and plant your dynamite" description axis "Protect the lighthouse! Keep the Allies at bay, hold the roadgate that leads to the bridge computer. If they destroy the gate, fall back and keep the bridge computer repaired. Don't let them cross!" map description neutral "Allies must destroy the Axis lighthouse." Objectives Allies objectives 1 "Primary Objective: Bust through the road gate. This will give you access to the bridge computer" 2 "Primary Objective: Climb the lighthouse and destroy it! You'll need to hack the bridge computer to gain access." Axis objectives 1 "Primary Objective: Hold the road gate. Holding this will prevent the Allies from accessing the lighthouse." 2 "Primary Objective: Defend the lighthouse! Make sure the bridge computer is repaired; this will keep the bridge down"
  7. Last week
  8. Hello! I would like to suggest maps to the server. For example some of these maps: Fueldump, Paris Bastille, Marrakech streets 2, Kerkyra, Teuthonia_Final, Warbell, Saberpeak, Rommel, Snatch, Transmitter, X-dam Complex Final, MML_Helmsdeep, Night of the Wolfes, SOS_secret weapon, Ruins of Acquiesce.
  9. Meo


    Welcome and congratz!
  10. yeah geodata base on the server is very old, don’t put too much trust on flags attributed to IPs in game
  11. EBO


    Welcome on the forum u nerd!
  12. The simple answer is that ET geolocation is just not perfect it can showing wrong country flag for specific players, thats all, but for sure this player is not playing from US
  13. You can upgrade your VPN to use an dedicated ip so the server won’t recognise it as an vpn ip. Costs some more but that’s how I bypass the Reddit filters. (And no, I never use an vpn to play online games.)
  14. Depends on what part of the US you live in also certain areas of New York they ping 98 while where Im located in New York I get about 100 - 120 it reads 148 when you look at the scoreboard but that's not accurate anyone who has ping 28 from the states is defiantly using a vpn but if I remember the server kicks for vpn?
  15. Playing from the US will always give you an high latency (aka ping) due to the fact that your signal cannot go faster then the speed of light ergo it takes a few thousands of a second more to reach the eu based server. And the dude with an us flag prolly is using an VPN with an dedicated ip to play and not get kicked from the server. I used to play with a lot of peeps from the us and yeah, that ping sux.
  16. Honestly from Cali to Europe you're always gunna have 150+ ping I think. Nothing you can do about it other than move closer The guy probably used something to make the game think he's from the USA.
  17. I have a pretty good rig, but being here in California my ping is really high (160-180). I'm Hooked up to the internet via cable. Was thinking about installing Fiber Optic's. Any Ideas on how I might bring that ping down ? Also..... was on the Beginners server around 7:00 pm PST and there was a player who's flag of country was United States but his Ping was 28 ?!?!!??! How is that possible ? I want that Ping LOLLLLL !!!!
  18. Earlier
  19. Version 1.0.0


    File type Map for "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory" Title Glider File name glider_panzerduel_101.pk3 Map name glider_panzerduel Version 1.0.1 (Created dec 2008) Nbr of players Any Author 2Bit Installation Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder. Description There are no objectives, this map is intended for team panzer deathmatch. Each team can select any of their 5 spawn points, some of which are shared with the enemy. Respawn times are set to 12 secs for both teams, and recharge times are twice as quick than usual. There are unlimited ammo boxes dotted around the map to provide constant ammo supply. There are no obstructive doors, and nothing to build. The glider is pre-built. It has been provided with an entrance on both sides. The glider can be flown by anyone, and can be shot down by any weapon. When it completes its flight a new one is immediately created at the outpost. The slope has been modified at the ruins to allow players to climb up. Also the ramp is pre-built. The map time limit is arbitrarily set to 30 mins, and will end with an Axis victory. Gamemodes Objective, Stopwatch. Thanks to Splash Damage and Activision for the best (free!!) game I've ever played. DaBoy for prefabbing the Axis barracks for me. Drakir for various excellent prefabs. Iffy for the Nebelwerfer model. TibeT Clan for support, gameplay ideas and beta-testing.
  20. Hello to the TeamMuppet community. I am Ryan, or also known as valk. I am 28 years old, and live in England, UK. I have played W:ET on and off now since 2003, my Father got me into the game. That's the plan for me, doing the same to my son when he's old enough, since my baby boy is due 19th August, not long to go ^^. I enjoy playing on the ETL main server, and I've started to dip my toes in to the ETL2 server too. TM offer the best within ET in my opinion, with a diverse map pool and active player base. Thought I'd come to the forums and say hello, you can find me in the TM discord if I'm needed. Regards, valk.
  21. @Klaun we will debate in admin team, please wait the outcome
  22. Thats crazy, getting banned for WH on these two demos. Can you guys give me examples of where it looks like im wallhacking. Because I saw nothing what made it look suspicious. Also perfect shooting through the smoke? are we even watching the same demo? I agree on the toxic gib I was very tilted that day. Is there even a way to defend myself or is this a done deal?
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