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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hi, can you try again to connect now?
  3. hi all! sorry, I wasn't online for a couple of weeks. thank you for further looking into this. and no, I am definitely not "F | A" something. I posted all my used names in the former reply. Thank you Stumpel for mentioning it. It was the first day I played with the VPN on, never tried it before. I guess this is the solution and probably the reason for the ban. I would appreciate if you could remove the ban. If not, I guess my ET times are finally over then : ) Cheers, Place
  4. Just info to say, that when player has VPN setting mode ON, then system just bans.. Even have seen it myself.. But turning it OFF releases it.. If its VPN.. I dont know the case, but as info..
  5. Last week
  6. Hi Dan, can you remember on what name you played last time you connected to server ? And on what server it was ? ( Beginner, ETL1, ETL2, etc. ) And perhaps you can add a screenshot from the message you get when it says you are banned
  7. I would like to play in this server, as i had long time ago (like 5 years actually ) bau apperently im banned..
  8. Earlier
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Special UJE Clan cards here I am offering you my collection of Team [UJE] Clan . cards that I own
  10. I'd limit the bots in being able to pick fop, but not human players tbh. Only one is a bit restrictive if the server is to the fuller side. Is there perhaps an option to limit it based on player count on a team? I.e. 1 if < 7 players, 2 if more (or somethign like that?)
  11. Hi everybody! Could you please set the server in order to have 1 and only one fieldops on beginners? I mean : as soon there is one fieldops no bot should be fieldops. Sometimes we have 2 and even 3 fieldops in a team, 1 player and 1 or 2 bots. The bots ruin the human actions with sending and even spamming arty or airstrikes where it is useless. Thanks a lot!
  12. Yeah it will be better if they make that new car.
  13. Here is more info about how those cvars work https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/issues/2493#issuecomment-1973235349
  14. gacy_v2.76-382 set team_maxAirstrikes "0.5" set team_maxArtillery "0.5" These are the only setting for fieldops prefer the old settings. We changed it to try to reduce the spam of airstrikes
  15. Dont disageee, actually I think it would be most wise to diasble the ability to syringe team mates before death as it contradicts the game mechanic of using a revive to avoid a gib. Or at least half or 3rd it.
  16. @Jessica thanks for screenshot.. Worth of keep ban on ,just sayin..
  17. About recharge times, how about reduce little slower the medic selfheal bar.. So many medics there nowadays..
  18. 5 year old topic If you guys wanna discuss it don't use that old topic. Use this one. I quickly read it and it looks like people were tired of arty spam so requested longer times between shots, so a slower charge time. I remember the spam being pretty bad for some reason. Alas this affected ammo given too. The cvar looks like the answer but this was around the time we had a few issues with Legacy versions and malicious persons abusing vulnerabilities in the old version, and I guess it got forgotten about due to the severity of that issue. We can look at it again, maybe "set team_maxAirstrikes "1" means how many times per minute arty/air can be successfully called, apparently.
  19. Placebo, are you the guy named : F|A join us with F|A IP ? You have to many ID's and names to check who you are.
  20. TM server settings for field ops recharge time is 60secs. Default is 40secs. (For reference here Medic recharge is 45secs , the default) From time to time u see someone complain about this setting. I never really play field ops much myself but when i did it was the first thing i noticed. Field ops is recharging very slowly. What it did to my game play? I just did not throw as much ammo to teammates and sometimes even chose to skip the request due keeping chargebar in state of ready for airstrike/artillery. If u want to be ready for crucial moments in game it is at cost of ammo for teammates. So i was wondering where does this setting origin from and what is the purpose of it? If it is ment to lessen arty/artillery spam then legacy has different cvars for it. Maybe someone has some opinions about this. Why is it 60secs and not default 40secs?
  21. Maybe @Jessica can check from bans that who banned you.. So @Jessica gets more information about case... I think we have listing too about automated bans.. P.S. Systems are strange sometimes, even myself got message when connected to ETL main server accidentally with VPN from my firewall and virusprotector program, that "You been permanently banned from this server" well I closed VPN and "boom" then game worked again... Thats just one thing what things do.. Like turn VPN on and get autobanned..
  22. Jane0754

    cant load cfg

    Cant seem to load .cfg My online name is spencer1086. Thanks
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Allies destroy main door destroy side door destroy depot door 1 and 2 construct the command post destroy the gun control Axis Defende all
  24. Version 1.0.0


    This map was ported over from my map Operation on RTCW. With many thanks and patience from Kemon and Pinn it is now also playable on ET. Have fun:) No information on the map
  25. Ok I try join there and search them...
  26. These interesting demos have been posted somewhere on discord
  27. @Flo can you send that demo(s) from me too, because I didnt yet saw it.. But I'm intrested to see it. Just because it seems taking so long to make this desicion, I mean F0rm has played long time, so it maded intrested to see it..
  28. And answer to players about me and my posting, I answer: I'm not admin just, senior member level 10, but I want remind how it is... Admins can correct if I say something wrongly.. I just want server things going well, and Im not intrested beeing admin but I help always if needed..
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