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I use to play many years ago and just recently jumped back in. My time since coming back has been spent solely on your servers. I thought I should introduce myself as I expect to see you all pretty often.

I am 26 years old. Have been married for a little over 2 years now. I reside in Denver, CO. I have worked in restaurants for over a decade and am currently furloughed due to this whole virus mess. I expect to be out of work for the next 1-1.5 months. Currently pursing a BSBA degree. Being furloughed and it being the summer, I have way too much time on my hands. So you will continue seeing me pretty often until then. My time outside of ET is spent cooking, exercising, watching movies, and hanging out with the Wife! 

I may not be the best player but I have been slowly seeing improvement. I may get the Most Deaths metal fairly often but I still enjoy myself!

Thanks for having a community that I can call home while the world goes through this rough time. If any of you would like to know more, I am happy to share!

I'll see you all online. Stay safe!


  • Like 8

Hi, nice to meet you :) have seen you on servers too. Great to have you there. If you feel our great community home, why not to make apply and be bigger part of it ;)

See you on servers!


Hi there, welcome! Good to see you enjoy our server(s). Of course your skill will only improve by time :P, which means we'll see you around in the server a lot I guess :P. Besides, skill isn't the most important part of the game. Teamplay is at least as important and the most important part: fun and joy!

Have a great time and I hope real life will work out for you soon (with you being forced to stay at home for at least a month).


hey Maximus,

welcome to the site. glad to see another fellow US in here :D

sorry about you being furloughed, hopefully things will get back to normal sooner rather then later.  \m/


Hi there, welcome to the forums! That's a nice introduction. I'm glad to hear you enjoy your time on our servers. See you on the battlefield! :2guns:

  • Nitmod Admin

Heya! Nice intro :) Good to see another North American! We need mooooore! :D 


Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay here! Nice intro! Good luck with your studies and life too and  to see ya on the server :)

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