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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. I may or may not have lied Ahem. I didn't actually add it. It's the kinda map that I shouldn't add without consulting other admins first. Also I'm pretty sure Mini has threatened to ban me in the past if I ever added it lol. I do believe it'll get added though, we're just checking out the time addons thing and other little stuffs. Don't wanna blindly add such a big and ... big map. @Flo be the man who you can trust more than me @Stumpel Honestly I'm not as bad as I make out, I just have carpel tunnel in my wrists and I can't really game after work because of it. I reckon I could still be half decent on etl1 if I played more than once a month and wasn't falling to bits 😅
    1 point
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