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Everything posted by Ande

  1. Making protect roof (net like there is few all ready) will fix that panza problem on allies second spawn. if it posible to make..
  2. Your guid is new. please keep guid same to avoid these bans. Even better if keep same name. Ban lifted
  3. Banned
  4. Ande

    Hack alert

  5. Hello!
  6. as i trust your words, you have been unbanned now. it was indeed autoban
  7. Ande


    boat is allready stolen
  8. Ande


    four wheel drive, nou problem 🤪
  9. Nice to meet you! And happy birthday Hope you enjoy your stay on server and forums.
  10. you said yourself. we dont allow spawn kill, so first is too much. our members is on server to have fun too, not just babysitting. So please follow rules and let all have fun games.
  11. Hello! Nice to see you joining forums too Happy fragging!
  12. imo no weapon limitions expect slower recharge time for soldier
  13. Hello! Here is Sk rules explained: Btw are you using same name on server?
  14. Hello Oli! nice to see you again, hope sometime on our server too
  15. as far i know minimuppet is on holiday atm. so please be patient
  16. This would give axis better chance to get flag if covie can sneak to mess with object. I voted yes
  17. i like how uips have interest to doing this stuff. Hope we see on server someday
  18. Use our legacy2 server for limited weapons.
  19. Sound worth to try if it possible? Getting little bored playing same maps every evening.
  20. Lets go
  21. Was fun event! But was expecting more H&S maps.. got good amount of players, nice! Paintball sounds fun but is it possible?
  22. Good idea. easy to check lines on every map👍
  23. Thats huge milestone!! Well done Muppets and regulars!!
  24. and under mr 🙃
  25. this sounds testable for me
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