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Everything posted by Ande

  1. Glider,baserace warbell
  2. Warbell, glider, baserace
  3. Hi, nice to meet you have seen you on servers too. Great to have you there. If you feel our great community home, why not to make apply and be bigger part of it See you on servers!
  4. Baserace, glider, italy
  5. Too bad i missed event
  6. Maybe he will apply so we can get stronger Finnish force in muppets
  7. Hi Moiska, nice intro See you in server!
  8. Hope every update doesnt reset prestiges.. Bug revived without gun still shows. Not sure but one of our member thinked its our goldrush versio which have bug..?
  9. UU new game style, sounds great!
  10. corpses starts shaking after tap out. And when they wait medic they look like gibbed but not shaking
  11. Hi Ptain, sorry to hear your real life situations. I really appreciate your sorry and wish you welcome back to server
  12. Hi eMMiel, you would be nice active add to our Muppet family Nice intro and see you at server
  13. but if enemy can rebuild it too...
  14. Green light for new things
  15. That sound like big chaos
  16. First i think about setos idea that i dont wanna wait longer that game start. But got the point and it is good point. And Dmxj solved that my problem there. So longer voting time sounds great for me
  17. Good that you keep care me
  18. Thank you!!
  19. crashed at least 3 times now. clock 20.27
  20. Nice introduce! Nice to meet you and see you in servers again
  21. GA is good
  22. I have heard that mortar shows on map different place than it actually hits
  23. MLB temple and Glider
  24. would be nice map with this many players
  25. Only white snowballs allowed
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