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Everything posted by Grobbebol

  1. Grobbebol

    New year

    Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Happy New Year to all of you.
  2. Why? That smoke on the tank is plain annoying, as is the arty smoke.
  3. Grobbebol

    New server

    Really great job you guys do in making this server as great as it can be, cheers!
  4. Ah, yes strategic voting, that's the worst. I agree with Jessica's idea of not showing the vote count until end of polling time. And also no duplicate maps.
  5. Welcome eMMiel
  6. I have to admit that the xp reset made me play covert and even soldier class again, and that was quiet refreshing for a change. I still refuse to play the panzer, I prefer the mobile MG. "beng, beng, feuer frei"
  7. I don't think so, never saw that happen. You can't even arm dynamite close to friendly objectives (e.g. cp)
  8. I think it's worth a try. Personally I don't care for XP, SR or whatever prestige system, but there are a lot of people who do like this. Since it is OPTIONAL to trade in your XP for a Prestige Point I think this can work. It gives the stronger players more challenges and the casual players still the tools to be competitive.
  9. Thank you very much for doing this!
  10. Some serious lagspikes right now on server, see pic for console text
  11. Merry Christmas Gelukkig Kerstfeest Frohe Weihnachten Joyeux Noel Veselé Vánoce häid jõule wesołych świąt .. and happy fragging in 2020
  12. Grobbebol

    Easter Event

    Unfortunately can't make it. Have fun!
  13. Yes, lol, he said so. Welcome!
  14. Bremen is fucked up too. Balancer is putting +2 to Axis. We need to fix this before we start to lose ppl.
  15. Tonight special delivery is bugged as hell. Balancer keeps moving players to Axis, even +4 on axis team. Maybe remove map until balancer is fixed.
  16. Great stuff!
  17. I concur with the opinion to leave things as they are for now. Server is full as it is, let's keep it that way.
  18. I would like to suggest CP spawn for allies @fueldump and removing of Capuzzo, very unbalanced map. My $ .02
  19. Grobbebol

    Happy new year!

    Best wishes and a wonderful year everybody!
  20. It was a lot of fun, thx everybody for showing up and eagle for fixing server Yeah I would like to see temple back in the map rotation with added time if some forward spawns are captured. Happy holidays everyone!
  21. I can't connect, game hangs in loading screen...
  22. I will never surrender! Go Etpub!
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