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Mister J

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Everything posted by Mister J

  1. Thank you for your suggestions! Poll will be up coming week, so hurry if you want your map suggestion to be included in the poll!
  2. Welcome Mike! Isn't Stuttgart were all the cars come from? Benz, Audi, Porsche etc. Been there once in the Benz museum I think. Cya on the server!
  3. Mister J

    Summer Event!

  4. Darn breaks getting longer each day!
  5. Welcome here! You should team up with @StaR to write some Muppet news-articles. I think you're made for it. See you on the server!
  6. Added 1 to Baserace for you. You're welcome mate!
  7. Hi all! There have been several suggestions of maps and I have added them all to this months map poll. I've put the links to the maps in the hidden description below. Poll will be up untill Monday next week. Good luck voting!
  8. Hi Beeker, I think your problem is that most of the players in the Small Maps server happen to be actual bots. So non-human players. That explains them not replying to your messages. Try visiting the more human-populated servers, like: TeamMuppet Beginners TeamMuppet ETLegacy TeamMuppet ETL Campaign You will find people using team-messages a lot more here. I fact I believe discord is used mostly for events or besides the game, not for regular objective play. To join our discord, click here! Good luck!
  9. Well this is exactly what is wrong with the hitboxes right now. It has been better in the past so I am hoping the current situation will be fixed in the future. For me most fun is currently out of the game to be honest.
  10. Nice intro! Welcome and looking forward to your application
  11. GoldenDunk would be cool! We had it in ETpub years and years ago, map lenght set to 10 minutes I believe. Very nice to have a map to fool around between all seriousness of blowing bunker controls, big bertha's and fuel dumps.
  12. Voted too. Could we add Minastirth then as well?
  13. I think it has improved a bit. Some things I did notice, and I will try to be specific to make it more tangible. For many people the med-packs are not shown, they do seem to work (although invisible). Sometimes the body of your enemy disappears, literally. So you don't need to gib. But you cant pickup their gun for ammo either. Sometimes this happens to a player. I was shooting this medic, when suddenly WOOSH, gone. No body, no sound, no notification of self-kill or any of that. Just vanished instantly. Not even a weapon on the floor. Walking into teammates is still sticky, hitboxes are still off. All these things happened on a 7 vs 7 session, so not too many people online actually.. Well, hope this can be of any help. Also, I do hear a lot of complains on the forum as well as online, and people are actually leaving the server due to the problems. Even members start to leave our community right now. I don't want to be the bad guy, but I think we should be critical here. The current approach to the development seems to come with a high cost and maybe the costs are starting to get too high. Can we think of a solution for this? Members leaving our clan is probably not what we want.
  14. Chair has, players seems to be a new issue. I get that. Very unfortunate. I don't expect the offset hitboxes to have something to do with the population of the server. This problem has never occurred before, even with the high numbers of players. Thank you Mini, that's a good perspective. Let's hope for the better then.
  15. So hitboxes are still weird, and movement is buggy. Bumping into a player feels sticky. Are there any resolutions for this?
  16. So this would mean in the passed days nothing has changed. But gameplay is totally different compared to, say last week. How is this possible? This wasn't the case last week.
  17. To add to this. Hitboxes in general seem to be way off, and very weird. While aiming at an AFK at the head, I hit the body. Aiming in the air would hit the head. Then proning sometimes makes you invincible, and you have to aim below your proning enemy in order to hit him. Syringes right in the middle of a body seem to miss most of the times. Also, there is a weird bounce from bullethits and nades. Enemy nades isntanly turn you into a NASA-pilot.
  18. I like the map too. Let's hope more people find out about the actual objective
  19. Great fun again! Thanks Boosted for all your work!
  20. That in my eyes would ruin the game. I self-kill a lot to prevent full spawn, for example to defuse a dynamite. And only when not being shot at. On Pub we used to have this feature that whenever you took damage from somebody, within two seconds a self-kill would count as a kill for the shooter (this feature is still in our list of rules). Unsure how complicated it is to re-implement it. Problem then remains for panzers. Although it are always those better shooters playing for frags that get frustrated by being panzered at and then start selfkilling. Or we accept it is part of the game. The majority of players is fortunately still going for the objective nowadays.
  21. Yup, me too. And Ice as well. Lets vote them up again next vote
  22. Probably because a relatively small part of players come here to vote. Why not keep Ice and Dingeskirchen online? Or is there a limited number of maps that can be put on at the same time?
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