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Mister J

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Everything posted by Mister J

  1. Welcome here Dragonkiss! Looking forward to meeting you on one of our servers.
  2. Yes Froggy! Come join us! (Not only for the !shuffle and !put command of course. And did we mention the !kickbots command? And !addbots ofc.).
  3. Mister J

    Xmas Event

    OF course you are Sebastian! Give it a shot this year and let us amaze you.
  4. Welcome!
  5. Question is, however, how obvious things seem to other players. Some time ago I asked an ammo-farmer to stop farming, and start playing. He then replied: ''Show me which rule prohibits it and I will stop.'' He kind of had a point of course. Then he started to play the piano in Venice. Having a stick to poke such people with would be very nice (in the form of those rules).
  6. Farming ammo- or med-packs is not allowed. Deliberately hindering or blocking your team from completing its objective is not allowed. I suppose wouldn't be bad additions indeed.
  7. Thanks for reporting Accu! We are watching the (Portuguese) guy, not to be mistaken by the British one who appears to be Underpants under an Alias...
  8. Hi all! The Muppet event-machine is getting up some steam again! Xmass is coming so we are looking for the best day to invite you all for TeamMuppets own miraculous big (online) Christmas Bash! We figured 18, 19 or 20 would be most logic, but added some other options to see what happens. Other event details will follow (ofc epic fun guaranteed). Looking forward to jingle you all the way to our event sever, so please vo-ho-ho-hote!
  9. Welcome! And have fun on our forum and servers!
  10. Some things I noticed: Often times reviveable teammates are launched right after dying, into the air and are stuck there Revive hitbox seems far off, loads of missstabbing your needle in someones body Prone is bugged. Players are often stuck to the ground and even able to crouch trough walls
  11. Welcome here!
  12. Is it this one? As I cant find the final version. Nevermind, here we are.
  13. All credits to Boosted this time! I liked it a lot. Those who didn't come clearly missed out on a lot of fun.
  14. Target was using a refined humanized bot, the name of which is known by the admins. When used in a smart way very hard to get caught, espically when used by a decent shooter who knows how to move and shoot himself. Catching a cheater is harder when movement and strats of the player match the skills of his shooting. We have demos in which it is super evident Target is using the bot, so finally proof was there which resulted into his ban.
  15. Hi Shooty, thank you for your suggestion. As the game is getting older, keeping a server populated and running successfully has proven to be quiet a challenge. Therefor our focus will be on our three main servers: the TM-ETlegacy, TM-Beginners and TM-Campaign servers. Unfortunately it is unlikely a NoQuarter will ever be successful again. Fortunately though, ETlegacy is a worthy substitute with great game-play and atmosphere. So I hope we see you in our Legacy server!
  16. Welcome!
  17. DidnĀ“t this happen for Team Fortress 2? Cheats where getting so popular that the same cheatmakers started enrolling even better hacks for server admins to hand them a tool against cheaters. Risk of the game getting unpopular was too high (would eliminate their own market). Admins could literally beat the cheaters at their own game.
  18. Please keep it mature and friendly here mate. Cookie what map was this? And what happened? After the wall blew, did the tank freeze?
  19. Welcome Ares!
  20. Hi Froggy, Which server are you connecting to? Our main servers are amongst the most popular servers currently online in Enemy Territory. Not sure if you are connecting to the right server. Please let me know. J.
  21. How did I miss that? Sorry guys, 20 was the apparent maximum of poll options. Will remember to add it to October's poll then.
  22. Many many maps were suggested for this months poll, great job! I ended up adding almost all of them to the poll, so the choice is huge! Ice wasn't added to the poll as it was just removed. Beach wasn't added due to spawn-killing problems that haven't been resolved yet. In addition, this time we'd like to hear your opinion about our current alternative versions of Radar, Fueldump and Goldrush too. Links to the maps in the hidden description below. Poll will be up until Wednesday next week. So vote!
  23. OMG so you know this map too? My favorite map but haven't seen it ever since 2008 or smth. Vote will be up tonight so I have time to recruit my Russian troll army.
  24. Welcome Archers! Glad to see you have come to win on our forums too! Cya online!
  25. Hi Froggy! Nice intro, and welcome here. Looking forward to seeing you on the server, and who knows there is a future within the Muppet family? Cheers!
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