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Mister J

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Everything posted by Mister J

  1. Will do asap. And keep you posted.
  2. Regular, 2.60b.
  3. Both is fine for me!
  4. Hey all, just wanted to sound out your views on the following. Currently cool-down for airstrikes and especially support is really low, meaning that support fires follow each other up rather quickly. You can call for a new support fire while the smoke of the previous one is still in the air. So actually hardly any to no cool-down at all. Which to me is too extreme. I know that privileges of each class have been discussed before, only now with the field ops there remains an issue. Due to the extreme frequency of airstrikes and support fire, especially when many people are on, you can completely block a passage in a map. Think of Caen in the first stage, or Minas on level 3 or 4. A fanatical Field Ops is able to completely block the passage, and if there is only one passage, map ends in a stalemate. Even though attacking team is overpowered, walking through the constant rain of support makes all attempts of attackers cake's dough (got you some Shakespeare right there!). So I think there should be a small gap between any artillery fire, which actually was the case at the old Pub server as well. Maybe it's just not set right or maybe changed deliberately, but what about increasing cool-down a bit more again? What do you think?
  5. Server just crashed again on Fueldump [Nov 05 2019 at 16:15]. Had some occasional weird spastic movement going on as well. Also froze twice and needed to reconnect. Together with me 7.62 (player) froze as well. Always the two of us freezing together, rest could just carry on playing.
  6. Im in!
  7. I think it is 5 complains, not entirely sure. But how do you manage to teamkill somebody for 5 times? ahah Reconnect probably works, so type /reconnect in console next time. Cya on the server
  8. I deleted my old .pk3's like Mini suggested, haven't had any problems since the reversion. Put my maximum fps to 90 today, and use a new laptop. Stable as never before. I can even watch at smoke again. Wow. J enjoys ET again!
  9. I bugged 5 times within 10 minutes, unfortunately.
  10. So in both cases Allies have shorter spawntimes, and objective is impossible for Axis. What about leveling these spawntimes to begin with?
  11. For Minas it would be nice to add 5 minutes per spawn-point conquered by Axis. Daybreak should be longer too, maybe 5 minutes or something?
  12. Welcome here! Looking forward to shooting with you on the server
  13. Welcome Poyer! Cya on the server
  14. Great having ya Shark! What about a MATT server? Minas all the time
  15. Good fun again! Already looking forward to the next1!
  16. How r the dogs @Jesus? My Malamute is no more, unfortunately.
  17. Nice to hear! As long as you make sure to drop by every now and then!
  18. Hi there! Welcome to the house of the Muppets
  19. I think his point is that both the points and the corresponding percentage are shown, which tends to make the overview a bit messy. Does that count for the map suggestions poll as well? Then we finally get to vote Minas Tirith onto the server
  20. Me too, I still try it out of a habit. Would be great additions for Legacy!
  21. Just like Fops sometimes refuse to supply ammo, Coverts do not open enemy doors or destroy objectives, soldiers forget to cover the Engis and camp with their Panzer instead. Part of the game I suppose, though I wish medics would be a bit more keen on reviving. Getting revived now is a luxury indeed.
  22. MG sound fun indeed, although the same as with the panzerwar, after a couple of rounds you've seen it and want smth else.
  23. Good fun for as long as I was there! Thanks for the work organizing! Next one should be hide and seek again. Already looking forward
  24. Probably as the multiple artillery bug is now fixed life will be easier for Axis.
  25. Whenever you heal a fellow teammate while he is still alive, you hear the engineer repairing sound. Cracks me up every time, so no need to rush fixing this! And indeed something with the artillery. Sometimes there even appear to be two at the same time. For the rest it has run smoothly so far for me, so well done and thanks for the effort!
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