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Mister J

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Everything posted by Mister J

  1. And I! And to help you out on that, I created a very nice shortcut for you... Here you go! See ya around
  2. haha all due to that Brexit. Thats amazing. Hi Ben, how is working life? Keeping up? Nice that you have your own company
  3. Either this, or the amount of artillery should be decreased. Currently artillery and support follow each other up in such a pace that parts of the map are not possible to cross anymore. In Caen this works out in a stalemate of the first part of the map every time.
  4. Nice work! Playing has yet again become more enjoyable.
  5. How can I miss such a nice post! Statistics are my field of work, amazing how people are actually spending their time on player skill rating Thanks for sharing Toby! Little late now, so gonna read it tomorrow when I'm fresh.
  6. Mister J

    Easter Event

    Nice! Ill be there
  7. Good to see you here after our nice little chat! Why not mate? Don't hesitate! See you around
  8. Well with late activity, more than 30 people online, wouldn't even be too bad right? Why not make an event for it? Minas Tirith, 10 vs 10, Objective focused. Id be joining for sure!
  9. That's an accurate list of things I indeed hear people complain about. The three things I noticed are: Spawntime - Goldrush for example, seems to have such low spawn times that even though teams are in balance or Allies could even be a stronger, they are yet hopeless in stealing the gold. Lately there are so many people playing that there is a constant flow of Axis enabling them to defend easily. This often results in a stalemate of Allies on the bridge and the small hallway near the truck, and Axis being spawn killed and camping the bank. All sorts of heated discussions as a consequence. So it is a combination of the map/number of players/ spawntime. We might need to fix something here. Medics - Start with only 3 syringes, therefor often unable to revive or heal players. I have now created a bind saying "Sorry, no syringes left". Is this setting on purpose? Shouldn't we set in back to something like 9? An other consequence of this is medics charging ammo at ammo-stands, and those deplete quickly as you can get like 5 ammo crates in order to fully charge your syringes. And then there is these maps. Fuel dump, Railgun and Battery seem to be server killers. Everytime one of those come up I see several people leave or go spec, sometimes even to come back after the round. Although the CP in Fuel dump might fix the problem? Curious about what you think!
  10. Not sure if the !cancelvote works within Legacy already, but whenever an admin sees a vote for shuffle in the middle of a map he is better to cancel it. Also using the !shuffle command should only be done in warm-up or during game breaks.
  11. haha finally! Welcome here!
  12. Really loved it again! When people start to learn to pass the ball, teamwork really pays off. Nobody ever said that to me before Thanks a lot everybody making the event again! @Purple in particular. Cheers
  13. Welcome here mate! Still amazed by you remembering the URL. Cya around
  14. Good to see you have found the forums Walden!
  15. Welcome here Cobra2!
  16. Hi Mario! Cool you have found the forum. Looking forward to seeing you on the server
  17. Forgot to mention... The amazing job done behind the scenes often remains unnoticed. Thanks for the work Purple! It was good fun!
  18. But will you be there Bambini?
  19. It is to get the server full. 15 vs 15 seems a nice goal
  20. Mister J

    Easter Event

    Amazing work again Purple! Been there for nearly five hours, enjoyed every minute! So except for Peanutbutter, server is empty now. He fell asleep while hiding... Goodnight all!
  21. Mister J

    Easter Event

    I'll be there. Looking forward already
  22. It sure was! Thank you @PurpleHaze for spending so much of your time and energy realising the event! It was a great succes. Things like this keep the community alive. Anyone up for another round of the ballgame shortly? I'd love to
  23. Count me in!
  24. My name is J. Mister J. :detective:

  25. Hey man what's with the agitation? I did read all posts posted prior to mine and I was indeed just giving my opinion, not criticizing you or anybody in any way. Let's not make such contemptuous remarks as nobody is getting better of them. Formulating it differently. Limiting the smokescreens to a given amount for me is the same as limiting for example medpacks. Which I think is no good solution. That is what the charging bar is for. Just as goes for the smoke. But then again, this is just my point of view...
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