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divine_one last won the day on October 18 2024

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About divine_one

  • Birthday 04/22/1977

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    Not too much free time in theese days but: MMA, self defense techniques, books, movies, video games (since almost 30 years), music

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  1. First of all, please calm down and don't take it so personally. Do you think that admins know the origins of every nickname or clan that has appeared over the past 20 years? TM servers have been operating for a very long time and during this period countless Hitlers, Bin Ladens, Himmlers, Stalins, etc. have visited here. Players also used abbreviations or words that were not directly offensive, but had negative associations. Believe me, there is enough work to maintain servers and forums and we don't need to wonder what an exact player had in mind when choosing this or that nickname. Just stay calm and wait for unban if admins decides so. You know, we have real lives too... Edit: What about your clan's logo? As Sebastian mentioned this is the logo of a nazi formation, banned and considered as criminal!!!
  2. Kickvote works anonymously, so it can be (or rather certanly will be ) abused. Experience tells me that many players will simply press F1 or F2 without really looking into what vote is about, Additionally, I agree with Charlie that lvl 2 may be a bit too low to call such important votes. However, the problem exists and we must react. Besides, low level admins still have such useful and powerful (if used propelry) commands as !gib or !freeze. So, why not to give some "powers" to low level members whose actions can be followed and controlled instead of relying on anynymous votes?
  3. Limiting grenades and rifle grenades is (at least) worth considering in my opinion. With server full of players game turns into a chaotic grenade fest full of random frags and deaths. Anyway, I'm rather conservative when it comes to change gameplay and usually i vote to leave it as it is, because our server is so popular for a reason and it means that ppl like to play here with present settings. Better is the enemy of good. So, if we plan to change something, we should do it carefully.
  4. I agree with Jess. Map is ballanced as it is. I've seen allies winning this one pretty often.
  5. No. Reasons above.
  6. @Jessica He should be banned anyway, shouldn't he?
  7. Everything has already been said 5 times at least... Can someone close this topic please?
  8. Auto spec doesn't work perfectly. If you remain inactive even for a while longer, but during this time you were pushed by any other player, the system recognizes this as your move and does not put you on spec. Please keep this on your mind next time when you go afk.
  9. Due to the number of players, it seems quite difficult to win the map by allies. In my opinion the current spawntimes have leveled the chances a bit.
  10. It's worth a try imo
  11. There was only few players. What a shame...
  12. We gave people the possibilyty to choose, and majority decides what maps they want to play. I wouldn't change it much, but incerasing the interval a little can be a good solution.
  13. Or follow Matu's suggestion
  14. Idea with Teammupet T-shirts sounds really nice, but It may be not that simple due to copyright issues. Both Muppets with Kermit the Frog and Wolfenstein ET are proprietary and legally protected. As long as money is out of the question - no problem. However, if we use it comercially, we can be in huge trouble.
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