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Sammow last won the day on February 16 2024

Sammow had the most liked content!

About Sammow

  • Birthday 02/01/1989

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  • Location:
    Belgium, Leuven

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  1. Super mixed feelings about Baserace
  2. I can never decide what to vote for. Can I see the maps somewhere? I mostly recognize it when playing, but not the name
  3. I agree! On the other hand it would be very very difficult for Axis to defend the bunker on 2 sides if the allies can always spawn at the CP after it is destroyed (and built)
  4. Jus d'orange pommes frites Dutchie! Bienvenue Tchiiouu!
  5. Oh is that also Discord? I used Teamspeak and Ventrilo when I played (when I was young).
  6. How does the voicechat work by the way?
  7. I learned that I would be a very bad zombie hunter, and an even worse zombie.
  8. Welcome! Our Fins will be happy to see their numbers grow. Maybe they can keep up with the Belgians
  9. You can deactivate it by hiding the vodka
  10. Palms are getting sweaty by thinking of these kind of events Heartrate when being the last one is at least 160bpm
  11. Didn't work, still hitting on her. Edit: him Edit2: it
  12. I wouldn't push all the Xmas things through players throats. Just a few little additions/changes like more snow, christmas hats, a few maps to vote on is enough for me. Keep it classy
  13. In my search for SR I found some posts about it in the beginning of this topic. My SR always remains 0.00. Even when I get a possitive SR for a map. Now I'm not sure if I suck that hard so I'm below 0.00, or that something is wrong.
  14. Looking good!
  15. Not that those messages have a lot of meaning when server is this full. Getting slaughtered by Axis, but when a player leaves and it's 12 versus 14 it shows somebody should join Axis.
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