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Everything posted by P3Swan

  1. I did turn off complaints long time ago, as even getting teamkill complaint pop up was annoying enough. voted:
  2. I gave you Teammuppet coin, go get some beer from Teammuppet store and enjoy your night
  3. OMG TJ Queen is back ❤️ 

    1. shan:*


      Back and failing miserably!

  4. khyll hä miäki voen kaens laettoo jottae jatkoks. Voe hollin aekoo männä ku kiännätte
  5. Ei perkale. Hyvää syntymäpäivää. Missasin paril päiväl ku lähin mökkeilee :drinks::wine:

  6. No worries, see you soon
  7. I haven't seen any problems yeat. When server full it feels quite normal and not seen any increase on medics on the server. Could maybe add 1 more fop to give ammo and so, as there is no way 3rd fop can use artys or supports when its already hard with 2 fops
  8. Cba to keep this nonsense talk going on
  9. Why you have to wait till then? Seems like these two are ready for some gaming. Hopefully they haven't inherited their father's skills
  10. Yeah when there is less then 14players and even if rifles would be limited above 14 players you can still go engineer and soldier class stay same with high amount of players. Dunno where you get the 70-90% now?
  11. If this is the playstyle you play medic i can see why you think medic is problem on the server. This kinda playstyle will make the other team weak as you wont revive or heal your teammates. With this playstyle you can have 20 medics on team and lose as they not reviving teammates and run and hide to keep killstreaks going. One good medic can keep his whole team momentum going with revives and heals. Like example yday on Radar axis side i did do nothing else for 6mins on cp than healed and revived my teammates at cp. Allied had no chance come trough that small door as long i kept players alive there. Soon as i couldnt keep up with the heals and revives allied over run the cp stage. What do you mean? Ofc engi can kill medics close range fights. Medic isnt any super beefy boss with 500hp what you go against and die when he looks your way lol
  12. Voted 1 Rifles should be still limited to 5-6 when its more than 14players or atleast when you shoot rnade that it drains more charge.
  13. Happy Bday m8 :drinks::party2:

    1. Toni


      Thank you buddy. :D 

      E: I thought you posted this on my wall because I got an email about it. LOL ;D

    2. P3Swan
  14. We are not talking about multi team kills
  15. Damn dude you missed it. Was waiting you to show up 😕
  16. LMAO, just realized you did change the profile pic to Master Roshi xD

  17. Where is Muddeh?

  18. So how long ban i get when i did insult you noob? xD:DDDx)

  19. Voted no. Gonna still keep punishing afk players with smg if i go trought spawn
  20. P3Swan

    New server

    I think we just not touch these settings and let them be like this. It isnt that hard to get it to lvl 1. Like charlie said less than 1 map. I takes also one map to get light weapons to lvl 4 too Ps. Charlie u r still beast pälyer, always been
  21. P3Swan

    New server

    You mean lvl 0 light weapons. As i was thinking cant it be set for example lvl 1 light weapons when u join the server and then ofc u get more lvls by xp and ofc it resets back to lvl 1 also when the new campaign stars. I get it many people comes from the pub but shouldnt this be like we did discuss be (ETpro style legacy pro). Trying keep it as pure as we can. I have no major probs with new server all is good in that way. Heard from bystry and now on server did also read spawn kill rules i was like ''okay'' I havent seen any kinda major heavy spawn killing example other team kills other team to full spawns and wait there to do it again. Just the typical push outs. Coz to me its important to push as much damage before u tap out on short spawn and enemy just spawning. So the enemy is already weakened and enemy team need use or save ammo and use medpacks to heal wasting the charge for health packs. This is ofc pub but u need still use tactics coz the spawn time are long. You need actually think on this server how u play to avoid long spawn. I seen many people not realizing it as they might think its just normal pub. Then about maps Map list is okay, atleast for my taste but some maps are maybe bit too long as the way if you are in defending team. Also map length cant be too long otherwise it also makes it unbalanced. I say this: 20mins in this kinda server is way too long time for maps. I feel when i been defending and playing on axis side that 80% of the maps allies team win. No matter how good or well the team is been defending they will get tired at somepoint to defend. Just having one wish. Lets try keep this server pure ETpro styled legacy pro its been so fun to be able play with u guys there. I dont wanna insult anyone and hope no one take this personally but if u feel ur skill lvl isnt enough to play there, there is two options. Stop playing there (wich i dont recomend) and keep playing and get better spec how people play and learn. Lets not makes this one of basic ET legacy server. Keep the good work going guys Cheers Pes
  22. P3Swan

    R o R o

    Check the logs if u can. He was absolute twat today. Kept calling and insulting everyone on server like there would not be any rules to behave. I dont personally mind if people keep calling me as idiot, cunt, homo. So used get people rage when keep owning them but others wont be enjoying if there be guy like that who can keep insulting people the way he wants
  23. I have found simple solution for this problem on my side
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