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DiNg last won the day on April 17 2024

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About DiNg

  • Birthday 03/14/1992

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    Belgium, Brussels

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  1. Hey man, I was there, saw the teamkills, your teammates called the vote, it passed, you were back 5 minutes later. Shit happens, it's no big deal
  2. 🎅
  3. What's the hate on rambo medics anyway ? Sure, a few players forgot they carry needles and giveaway medpacks, but that doenst make all the medic players irresponsible. Hell, I'd say we have quite a few rifle masters that don't bother using their charge for dynamite, right ? No hate on them though. Get me an objective oriented engineer and I'll stick to him as much as possible with my needle out (thinking about Prrll or Cyph or even Graph on a good day for example). Removing the ability for medics to heal themselves would be too much of a change and go against what Enemy Territory is and drastically reduce the popularity of our servers.
  4. Happy Bday m8 :drinks::party2:

    1. Toni


      Thank you buddy. :D 

      E: I thought you posted this on my wall because I got an email about it. LOL ;D

    2. P3Swan
  5. DiNg


    Indeed, this new guy is already testing the limits. I give him two weeks max
  6. Stuck at work
  7. Holy scheiße Hope I can make it !
  8. Hey man, welcome back on ET ! I'm glad you found your way to this community N'hésite pas si tu as des questions ou quoi. A bientôt sur nos serveurs je l'espère.
  9. DiNg


    EDIT : misclick, post can be deleted.
  10. DiNg


  11. DiNg


    Hi. First of all, sorry for my late reply. 1. We were playing Decay if I remember correctly, and you spent something like 5 minutes waiting behind the lines for nothing. It is of course not against the rules, but as a player yes, it frustrates me. Our server is very obj oriented, and playing so doens't help the team at all. That being said, I did nothing but ask you to be more useful to the team, that is what any player would do. At that time, I already suspected you to "abuse" the auto-spec script by the way. And then someone spotted you and you died. Please judge my words on that one as a player, not a TM Member. 2. Yes, I put you spec a few maps later. You had already missed quite a few respawns and stood there in the middle of the way out. That is annoying for everyone and, once again, you were abusing the auto spec script. Weren't you also playing panzer/bazooka at that time ? Either play, or leave it to others please. Many of our regulars either play panzer or play somewhere else, it is important we give every player a chance to enjoy our servers. 3. Yes, I kicked you and quite a few others when we were then playing Radar. Axis were very strong, and allies very weak, and we spent 12 minutes completely on lock down in our first spawn area. Is that an issue ? Not at all as long as the rules are followed. I had already asked a few times for Axis to take a step back and stop spamming in our spawn area, but at some point rules had to be enforced more strictly. This is the exact moment you threw a grenade right at my face when I was picking up a spawn-killed-teammate, hence my decision to give you a 10 minutes break. Note that you weren't the only one, there was nothing personal in the decision making process. I hope I could be of any help. All my games are recorded, I can provide the files if needed.
  12. So how long ban i get when i did insult you noob? xD:DDDx)

  13. I had the opportunity to play Radar Summer yersterday and felt quite surprised when Stypek got the tank moving in the middle of the place. On the one hand, I'd say it's a big advantage for axis as they now have something to hide behind when defending from the main road. On the other hand, it helps allies staying in control of that area whenever axis respawns since they're no longer easy targets for freshly patched up soldiers. Let's see how it goes in the near future. Radar and well balanced teams offer great and epic battles, let's hope those changes allow us to have some more.
  14. Players, regular or not, are what makes the TM servers what they are, so a big thank you to YOU as well
  15. DiNg

    Robert Plant

    Braindead dude named .asd.
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