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Everything posted by tupla

  1. tupla

    Lolotaz tk

    he was banned for week like month ago, seems like it didnt help
  2. imagine being 1kill away from round win 3 times
  3. Hello and nice introduction. but now when youare here feel free to browse our website for spawnkilling rules so i dont have to warn you everytime
  4. We had it on server for one time 😂
  5. press x to disapear from hitboxes.
  6. saw this one by myself too pretty clear aim for me when we started to spec him he kinda noticed that and started to troll
  7. i can agree with no revive sign and looks like somebody got stabbed by me too
  8. i would say spree sounds would be nice but to voice chat commands it will not work ppl dont have brain to use them they will just spam them like an idiots
  9. Didnt we have it on server back in day or was it just in events? I mean remember i have played it
  10. dont think hes cheating just abit better than average player thats my mind
  11. welcome
  12. tupla

    X-mas EVENT

    @Jessica it wasnt that bad at all but that sucked when u had 5hp and your own teammate accidentally shoots you
  13. tupla

    Merry Christmas !!!!

    Merry christmas !
  14. Merry christmas muppets!

  15. tupla

    Santa Clause Day

    finally the day with out dying to jessicas panzer :DDD
  16. I just calcuated my hours of played ET since i started playing with tupla name i havebeen played 570h under tupla name is it allright lol? :D 

    1. PurpleHaze


      you know you can just find this number on trackbase? :lol:

      and btw i'm at 730 since tm, so i think you are still fine LOL :P 

  17. tupla

    Event: Halloween

    It was good event but i was lost all the time lol
  18. SEND HELP!! why my ET keeps crashing ?!?!? it crashed my windows when i was playing and now ET keeps crashing all the time?

    1. Charlie


      Does ET or Windows give any specific error message? What OS do you use (Win 7/8/10)? What ET version (2.55/2.6b/Legacy)? I won't be any help but the more information you can give the better for those that can help out :) 

    2. PurpleHaze


      run as admin, comptability mode win xp. Probably will fix the crashing, in all other cases provide us more information. 

    3. tupla


      ill allready found that problem but thnx for ansvers

  19. tupla

    Event: Halloween

    then yes its 0gmt lol ty
  20. tupla

    Event: Halloween

    is the event starting 7pm 0gmt? i dont get the clock lol
  21. I will come to play whit u guys if im allowed to
  22. There is some things where swedish pounding finland :(

  23. I brokened my headset again :/ shiet

  24. WP FINLAND! 3-2 :)

    1. Silveri
    2. Stumpel


      I hope Russia loses today

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