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Cptn Hadd0ck

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Everything posted by Cptn Hadd0ck

  1. We just crashed again (during radar). No further valuable input to give. Haven't followed Mini's suggestion, yet.
  2. New maps, always a fan of that! (hopefully soon coupled with a fixed rotation at some moments, grand news)
  3. Looks great, indeed! /tp works for me too. See you all tonight
  4. Loved this last time around . Will do my utmost best to be there!
  5. !vote rename SICI to SACI (I know it goes against Italian grammar, but still )
  6. I've encountered the same. Same client, restarting does not necessarily solve the issue.
  7. Whilst I agree with the argument, some nuance is in place. The voting system is not flawless and definitely not (always) representative. Not everyone votes, it's as simple as that.
  8. I think we have to refer back to the poll and accompanying discussion that was had recently (Legacy maps [VOTE] Vol 2), as it frames and guides the discussion a bit better. Mr. Muppet indicated a map limit on the server, that 'equates to 26 custom maps as per the ETPub mod'. Which maps are custom maps, or which maps are not custom maps? If I am assuming correctly, the core six are non customs: Radar, Oasis, Railgun, Goldrush, Fueldump and Battery. According to Charlie's list, 29 maps on currently on rotation. Which leaves us with 23 custom maps, and 3 open spots for new maps to be cycled in. As I understand it, pulling one of the core 6 maps out, does not open up room for another custom map to be added, which is relevant further down. In that topic, people have already made some suggestions which maps could be removed (detracting those that have already been deleted since): Ice, Battery, Reactor, Missile, One version of Oasis, et_mor2 (also know as Marrakesh), Erdenberg_t1, Et_beach and Pirates (Recently bugged out on the server: The gold was delivered onto the truck, but the map did not end). To build further on this list, I think these could up for consideration as well: A version of Supply Depot, Venice, One version of Goldrush, ETL Bergen. As said, a distinction between custom maps and non custom maps has to be made. If a version of Goldrush and/or Oasis is deleted, it might or might not open up space for a new map. This is not necessarily an issue, just a consideration. And the question poses itself with replacing Fueldump with Fueldump-Z. The same topic also gives further input on which maps to add. Both Vesuvius and Colosseum got 5 votes, similar to the recently added Axis lab and School. Cortex and Village were runner-ups with 4 votes each. It would be unfortunate to throw out that input. Deleting Goldrush and Supply Depot sounds rash to me. I do feel the same regarding their repetitiveness, and I have seen other people express a similar sentiment. Be that as it may, the fact that these maps are so often voted in does mean that a considerable share of the player base loves playing them that often. That should not be neglected. There must be other means to promote a more diverse map cycle. As suggested, taking out one version of those maps might reduce their frequency. Or, given that it is possible, filter out maps that have been played recently for X amount of time. Alternatively, opt for an exhaustive cycle where all maps have to be played before the full range of maps is available again. That might already be too strong of a measure, and I have no idea what the impact will be on the amount of players coming to the Team Muppet Legacy server. I would completely understand and expect some hesitancy from the Muppet team too in this regard, as the server is clearly flourishing with the way things are run.
  9. A thought on Supply Night being in the poll: In essence, we already have that map in the cycle. Personally, I would find it a pity if it ends up barring a truly new map from being voted in. Especially considering that it is already tried, tested and agreed upon by the wider TM audience.
  10. Hallo!
  11. Cptn Hadd0ck

    Coming soon

    Where can I preorder?
  12. Cptn Hadd0ck

    Coming soon

    I share the sentiment
  13. This is me tonight B O Y S, be warned:

  14. Yaaaarrrrrr!

    1. Slarty


      Here, you need some background music to that:

    2. Cptn Hadd0ck

      Cptn Hadd0ck

      Where is the like button?

  15. Thank you for the warm welcome. I highly recommend game of thrones because the storyline is great, understandable but at the same time complex and full of surprises. I like the way characters develop throughout the story, particularly Arya Stark and Tyrion Lannister. I read the books before diving into the series, by the way. Yaaaarrrrrrr, all aboard! Valar dohaeris. Antwerp
  16. Hello dear sirs/madams, I spent some time on the server and since I have enjoyed my stay thus far, I decided that it is the appropriate time to introduce myself. All of you know me as Cptn Hadd0ck, but you might aswell call me Stefan. I am 23 years old and currently in my fifth (and last) year at the university. I study law, with my main interests lying in human rights topics, such as indigenous people, development, etc... Other interests are reading (Orwell fan)(Game of thrones fan), recreational running and I enjoy good discussions or relaxing nights with a strong beer, whisky or a good red wine. As far as gaming is concerned, I still play some league from time to time besides wolfenstein. I started playing years ago, back when I was 15, but stopped for quite some time. Recently, I decided to download it again, and here I am enjoying my time. I like to play engineer, partly because it gives me an excuse to die frequently (due to lack of skill). I enjoy pursuing the objective since I enjoy the team play aspect that comes along. If there are any questions, shoot. Best regards.
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